Chapter Nine - Hindsight is a Wonderful Thing

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Leaning over he kissed Jian Yi's lips softly. "You're doing great, are you ready for my fingers? I might be a bit clumsy at first until I find your prostate, I'm sorry." he got back to the task at hand.

"Yi I'm going to push one finger in, if you hate it or want me to stop just say." Zhan pressed firmly with his finger until he thrust his finger past the tight ring of muscle in up to the first knuckle. Jian Yi had gone very still again, he could tell this wasn't going to be easy for him.

"Jian Yi talk to me, tell me how it feels?" He wiggled his slick finger, twisting it, he thrust in and out slowly, never going deeper than the first knuckle."

"Xixi it feels weird, it doesn't feel good, I don't know, I feel strange." Frowning he began thinking of the instructions from the medical book he had read in the public library - if he crooked his finger down it was close internally to the rectum, it was around there somewhere. Pulling his finger all the way out he thrust it in slightly deeper this time, that way when he was pulling his finger out slowly he could feel around better. He did this several times until Jian Yi started shaking his head "It's uncomfortable Xixi."

Frustrated Xi tried one last time, if he couldn't find it this time, he would have to wait until the next time. Suddenly he froze when his finger brushed something, it was about the size of an a large nut, and when he gently stroked it all over, and pressed firmly, Jian began trembling.

"There you are you little beauty." He whispered, confident he had the right place he rubbed it again. "Does this feel good?" Jian looked up and he had a look of lustful confusion on his face, he almost felt sorry for him. Almost.

"Jian Yi I want you to keep looking at me, I want to kiss you, I want to see your face when you come apart for me." He leaned in locked their lips together and they kissed desperately, tongues dancing together in a very wet tangle. Xi began firmly rubbing Jian Yi from the inside, not letting up one bit. Yi drew away from his lips and began gasping, he arched his back and when he tried to move his hand to his cock Zhan Zheng Xi stopped him, catch his wrist in his fist.

"No Yi I want to see if you can come without touching your cock." Jian Yi was helpless, Xixi had his wrist, his fingers were doing things to his insides that were making him want to scream from the pleasure. It wasn't a slow build but more of an instantaneous arousal, he felt like he would come just from his ass and he was past caring. He was scared of how big the orgasm would be, like it would ruin him for life.

Zhan Zheng Xi was ruthless, driving Jian Yi higher and higher, his plans of calm and caring "boyfriend training" were flying out of the window. When Yi start shaking his head, his eyes scared, Zhan Zheng Xi didn't care he was past any rational thought now, he just kept going, curling his finger inside relentlessly rubbing that hard little nub, watching Yi like a lion watching a gazelle.

"Aaah Xixi stop, it's too much, I can't stop, it's coming out!". Zhan Zheng Xi wanted to see!! He roughly manoeuvred Jian Yi, turning him over pulling his leg over until he was facing Xixi and his thighs were spread wide. Jian Yi's gaze went to his cock, which was dribbling come in a constant stream, every time Xi's fingers moved strongly against his prostrate he saw more coming. He realised belatedly he was crying, tears were running down his cheeks he knew this was going to be huge.

Zhan Zheng Xi had never been so aroused in his life, Jian Yi's cock was painfully swollen and come dribbled every time his finger caressed that place inside. He want to see Jian Yi break apart, for in that moment he would belong to him, in that moment Jian Yi would know that Zhan Zheng Xi would always push him beyond simple pleasures.

"Aaah no, no, no, no I don't want to Xixi aah it's... ". Zhan Zheng Xi watched as his boyfriend came apart, his thighs were trembling madly, his cock began jerking as streams and streams of come started pouring from Jian Yi, who openly cried as Zhan's finger plundered him, making him come and come until he couldn't take it anymore. As he watched Jian Yi stopped spurting come and started to dry spasm, the intense pleasure was visible on his tear stained face.

When Jian Yi finally came around enough to realise what had happened he was freaking out. His body was just shivering in the aftermath, he felt like if someone were to brush a nipple or touch his skin he would go again. His skin was hyper aware. When Zhan Zheng Zi's hand reached for his thigh he smacked it away, then he reached for Xixi's finger lodged firmly in his ass and pulled it away from him, wincing when the finger popped out painfully. His whole body was trembling, when Xi reached out a hand to help him up out of the water Jian Yi smacked it away climbing out himself.

He grabbed a towel and ran for his room, throwing the towel on the dirty sheet he lay down and pulled the quilt over his whole body. Tears started to prick his eyes and they ran down his temple into his hair.

Zhan Zheng sat stunned in the bath. What had he done, what had happened? Jian Yi was gone, what had he done? What went wrong?! Looking down he realised belatedly that there was come all over his chest, his own come, he was a perverted shit getting off from his boyfriends crying face. That was probably the most erotic thing he'd ever witnessed. They should be jubilant, cuddling in the aftermath, not in separate rooms damn it!

Zhan Zheng Xi got out of the bath and walked towards Jian Yi's room with trepidation. He had s lot of apologising to do .

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