Chapter Ten - Humble Pie

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Zhan Zheng Xi walked slowly towards Jian Yi's room, his feet were dragging, and he was at a loss as to what to say once he got there. When he reached the bedroom the door was open, peeking around the door he could see a white duvet covered mound. Although Jian Yi wasn't crying or wailing, he could hear a hitch in his breathing. Zhan felt like a huge tool for making his boyfriend of, he looked at the clock on the desk, 2 hours cry. Well done you, that's just perfect. Zhan Zheng Xi was such a shit.

It was like deja vue when he got to his knees beside the bed, he bowed and put his forehead on the edge of the bed and prayed for some guidance from higher powers.

"Jian Yi." He saw the quilt move a little.

"Jian Yi I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I went too far, I lost concentration and didn't hear your cries to stop. I feel like such a shit. Won't you talk to me Jian Yi?" He flinched when a hand crept out of the duvet and a fist lifted and bashed him in the head.

"Oww, okay I deserved that, fuck that hurt!" He rubbed his head and watched the fist change into a long middle finger. He lifted his head up and licked the finger gently from knuckle to tip.

"I'm sorry okay, I would like to say that it won't happen again but I can't promise that, but it was wrong of me to introduce you to such extremes when you were a virgin." Zhan Zheng Xi waited patiently for Jian Yi to crawl out of the duvet, he crossed his arms and lay his head down upon them.

Hearing a rustle he looked up to see Jian Yi had sat up, his blond hair was still damp and all over the place and his red eyes were making him feel like even more of a cock. He wriggled out of the duvet and sat in front a Zhan Zheng Xi making him shuffle back. Zhan tried not to look at his boyfriends naked body, but he it was an impossibility for him not to gawk at all those long pale limbs.

"You made me come buckets." Typical Jian Yi blunt and straight to the point.

"I know, I'm sorry I ruined boyfriend training, it was going so well if your moans and orgasms were anything to go by." Jian Yi flushed, good he wanted to remind him that they were having fun before Xi got overzealous.

"What the hell was that at the end, I came twice but there was nothing! What kind of evil Xixi kink was that?" Jian Yi looked at him, his gaze was so direct he had to turn his face away. Flushing red he muttered under his breath ".....was...dry...gasm."

"A what?" Jian Yi cupped his ear "My hearing is bad, I have come in my ears from coming everywhere." Fucking Jian Yi, he really wanted to spank the shit out of him.

"It was a dry orgasm!" Zhan Zheng Xi said loudly, he propped his chin on his palm.

"Fucking bird balls I've never heard of one of them! Can we do it again maybe, not today because I think I have nothing left in here." He reached down and cupped his empty balls.

Give it another hour or two and he'd be good to go.....

"I didn't like feeling so out of control, I had no control over my own body, you manipulated me." He looked at Zhan with this big puppy dog eyes.

"I am sorry Jian Yi." He didn't have the heart to tell Jian Yi he was going to push his boundaries again and again, puppy dog eyes or not.

"You're a big asshole Zhan Xixi." He took Xixi's hand and pulled him up off the floor, when Zhan Zheng Xi's stomach picked that moment to growl he looked at the clock and belatedly realised that it was 9pm and they had both skipped dinner. He couldn't cook worth shit but he could pour hot water on a ramen cup. Turning his back he reached for his sweats and T-shirt pulling them on, Zhan Zheng Xi came and stood in front of him pulling his own clothes on. When he turned his back again, Xixi caught his hips and rested his chin on Jian Yi's shoulder.

"What are you doing Jian Yi?" He looked a bit confused.

"Weren't you the one that said you didn't want to see my, what was it again.... aah yes 'my bony ass and hairy balls'." With that he walked out of the bedroom towards the kitchen to see if there anything they could eat.

Jian Yi was such a smart ass, it made him want to push him down and put something in his mouth to keep him quiet. Zhan Zheng Xi smacked his face into his palm groaning with defeat. Pinching his temples he stood there for a while, to let it all sink in, he had the feeling that his boyfriend was going to remind him quite often of how much of an idiot he had been. All the things he'd said and done over the years were all going to come back and haunt him.

Walking to the kitchen he sat at the table when Jian Yi brought them noodle cups over, the lids were held in place with chopsticks. Xi played with the label on his cup, picking at it. He glanced over at Jian Yi and caught him looking at him, but Yi's eyes quickly turned away looking down at the timer he had brought over so they could time their noodles. Shit this was awkward all of a sudden, where had the passion of earlier gone. Zhan Zheng Xi had heard about this, about friends who hook up, have sex and then after that it's so unbelievably strained between them that they just stop being lovers and eventually friendships fall.

No!! Fuck that wasn't what was happening here, Jian Yi was just pouting that's all, he was an award winning pouter, he had seen this a few hundred times over the years. Normally if he let Yi just stew it out until he got bored, he would normally sullenly call him an idiot or run and pounce on him smiling and shouting 'Xixi!!'. After all Jian Yi was helpless when it came to Zhan Zheng. Yes he had noticed that his friend was obsessed with him, he'd always thought that Jian Yi hero worshipped him and he had never even attempted to stop this behaviour. He had always secretly loved it after all. Jian Yi had stepped up his game lately with the staring, accidentally rubbing against him, touching him at every available moment, until he could barely stand it any more. He had given his friend multiple opportunities to open up and tell him he was gay, or even to finally confess to him, but if he'd left things to Jian Yi they would still be friends when they were old and grey.

He had after all come over to his friend's house tonight to confess to Jian Yi.....

"Don't forget to change your sheets before your mum sees it." Zhan opened the lid on his noodles and blow on them when the timer chimed loudly. "Doesn't she just arrive whenever she feels like it, phew I'm relieved she didn't catch us in the act."

Jian Yi opened the lid on his noodles, he blew on them for a bit before fishing some noodles out. Slurping filled the room as he sucked up his first mouth full. He suddenly leap up and ran to his bedroom ripping the duvet off the bed and yanked his very dirty sheet off, the smell of what they had done drifted up to his nose. He flung the sheet in his basket and quickly put a clean sheet on and put the duvet back on his bed like it had all never happened. He ran back into the kitchen and sat back on his chair cross legged and proceeded to eat his noodles with gusto, he was starving! So much energy to replace. Looking over at Zhan Zheng Xi's smirking face, he scowled.

"Zhan Xixi you idiot." When Xixi's shoulders shook with laughter he threw the timer at his head. "You're so weird."

"I am so weird? Well who's got come in his hair and hasn't even noticed?" He roared with laughter when Jian Yi lept up and ran to the bathroom, he could hear the sound of the tap turning on and muttered swear words. When Jian Yi returned his hair was wet and slicked back on his head showing off his cheekbones.

"You're so beautiful you take my breath away." Jian Yi blushed and smiled that gorgeous knock out smile. "Back at you, you're so beautiful you take my breath away too". Both boys smiled and got back to eating their ramen.

"Good evening boys, I brought some dumplings do you want some?" Mrs Jian walked into the kitchen suddenly with a white bag which smelled amazing. Zhan Zheng Xi jumped up and bowed slightly and tried not to look too guilty. She was so sharp she could usually tell if they were up to no good.

When he looked over at Jian Yi, he had this deeply disappointed look on his face, had he been looking forward to what came next? Hold onto that thought Jian Yi.....

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