the fallacy of love

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fallacy (fal·la·cy; /faləsē/)
a mistaken belief, especially one based on unsound argument.

love, a verb and a noun in itself
to mistakenly believe in yourself, to love yourself
that's false, a delusion, an error
you're the misconception
but maybe if you believed in that
you would never have been born
the dividing line between truth and consequences
crime and punishment, pride and prejudice
we read these books that show us how to live
maybe if someone believed in living
they'd get closer to their perception of death
whether life encompasses love or vice versa
you live, love, and lose
but maybe if you switch them around
they'll be constructed of more than they are
use your words wisely rather than using wise words
making mistakes rather than being them
maybe love does not abide by its constraints
and we are the ones inconsistent

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