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It was yesterday when the world ended,
It was yesterday that the plague started,
It was yesterday that everyone died,
But it was today that I am left alone.

Rubbles and stones,
All around me,
People screaming at me,
Asking for help.

But I never stood up,
I never went to pull them back,
I was there standing,
I never really cared.

People called me heartless,
Said I shouldn't have done that,
Said that I only care for myself,
But they were wrong.

I never really knew how to care,
I hadn't had any emotions,
What was one supposed to feel when everyone is falling down?
When all the people that cared for you was never going to rise again?

No, they were wrong,
For I cared for them,
I cared for them with all my heart,
And they stepped on it.

They threw it away like I didn't matter,
Maybe I didn't,
So why would I?
Why should I help them?

For they were never here for me,
Not here when the only one that cared for me died,
No one there when I cried at night,
No one there to hold me tight.

When I was 5 I lost my mother,
When I was 10 I lost my brother,
And I was left to work all alone,
For my senile grandfather and cheating father.

I was forced to shoot guns,
I was made to be a machine,
I was made to be a substitute,
One that they never expected to feel anything.

When I was 15, I met her,
Edellyn was the princess of my eyes,
Her steps ever so graceful,
And her smile lit the world up.

She healed my battle scars,
The tole me I was okay,
She help me fight my wars,
And I helped her fight hers.

We were two against the world,
We were weak, it was a losing battle,
But we were happy for each other,
Happy to die together.

We made plans,
We talked about having kids,
We talked about a future,
But now that'd never come.

When I was 23,
She called me,
She said goodbye,
She said it wasn't my fault.

I hadn't understood then,
What goodbye was if you loved someone,
But then they found her dead,
And I was to blame for because I loved her too much.

It was my fault they said,
For I showed her a world of fears,
A world different from hers,
Because I hadn't kept her as our prisoner, I had set her free.

And it was a burden that I carried,
A dead body upon my shoulders,
And everyone laughed about it,
Because I was the poor boy that never really mattered.

Counting stars at midnight,
Wishing for a shooting star to pass by,
For before my grandma died,
She said that shootings stars meant someone had died.

I was watching,
For my princess,
So that I could say my final goodbye.

I cried myself to sleep at night,
My father brought home women often,
My grandfather died,
And no one cared.

I was dwindling down,
To slow but sure insanity,
Clawing for me,
Pulling me down.

I was introduced to my new mother,
She wasn't fit to be a mother,
She was drunk every night,
But I had to smile.

It was like being locked up,
Being chained to the ground,
They were my lords,
And I was their servant boy.

They brought me to their new house,
Spacious and cold,
Four walls with no love,
A family with no heart.

I dreamed often of a life better than this,
I dreamt of our lives before,
In a small cot,
Tight and warm.

Mother never really had any money for us,
Father never really had enough pay,
But we had food, we were together,
We were happy.

Every Christmas,
I'd play the violin,
As they ate turkey and pudding,
As the children caroled at night.

We loved each other,
Secrets aren't kept,
Wounds are fixed,
And love is shared.

No one lost,
No one found,
Everyone stuck close,
We went no where.

But this Christmas,
I was all alone,
In the attic of the new house,
Along with the cold breeze.

And so I picked up my violin and played,
Played what I used to play,
And it seems as though everyone was alive again,
And we were back to our old house.

It was as though I was full with all that I had eaten,
Even though right now,
There was no food left for me,
And I was left to starve.

It was as though we were opening presents,
As though my brother Jerome just got his new figurine,
And my sister Jessica hasn't died yet,
It was as though we were happy again.

But we weren't,
And it was only me,
In the attic unconsciously smiling,
Eating wood and rubble.

They found me half dead,
And I was sent to the hospital,
My mouth and nails bleeding,
Slowly loosing consciousness.

But I never knew,
I just awoke in my bed a few days after,
Hating the world that I was born in,
I was okay.

When I turned 26,
The skies turned red,
All the people that I'd ever knew had gone away,
All the people I'd ever hated never had returned.

I was happy,
Devilishly happy,
It was like every New Year's Eve when my mother was alive,
I had regret nothing.

And now I sit,
A mask on my face to keep me breathing,
In front of the TV my father had forbid me to use,
But he wasn't here now.

And my heart fell,
As I saw everyone caring,
In the hospital,
My father frantically worrying.

My father trying to find new girls,
But not for him,
For me,
For a better future.

I saw my step mom,
Fixing my hole filled clothes,
Crying beside me as I lay unconscious,
Wishing I'll be fine.

I saw Edellyn,
Hugging me before she died,
For she fought with a killer,
On the road to our house.

I saw my little sister,
Asking before she died,
Where I was,
And if I was okay.

Saw my mother kissing my forehead the night she died,
Saw my brother giving me his new toy car,
Saw my grandpa fighting for me,
Saw my grandma baking cakes for me.

Boy, was I wrong,
Tears rolled down my cheeks,
For I shouldn't have wished for all of this,
I should've cared more.

I looked up,
To see them smiling at me,
And I blinked,
Only to open my eyes to see them gone again.

I stared up the skies,
To see a million shooting stars passing by,
"When someone dies, a shooting star passes by," said my grandma,
And now I say to them my final goodbye.

I stared up the skies, To see a million shooting stars passing by, "When someone dies, a shooting star passes by," said my grandma,And now I say to them my final goodbye

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