Fallen Angel

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TRIGGER WARNING: there are lots of violence involved and descriptions/ scenes of pain and like one word colorful language involved so read at your own risk

Wings are broken,
I am falling,
Albeit slightly,
Away from everything I've ever known.

Down to the busy streets of New York City,
With streetlights and cars,
With people screaming,
And rowdy bars.

I am screaming,
Screaming wildly,
For those anyone that could hear,
For those anyone that would bare to see me.

Poor little lost girl,
Where are you going?
Where might be your parents house?
Little children shouldn't go on roundabouts.

I saw pictures of a lady with foldable limbs,
A man with more than talking mouths,
An elephant with 5 eyes,
I wonder if I too could belong.

I pulled at the parchment,
Going about busy places,
Asking people where it might be,
But all I got was sneers and laughs thrown at me.

Screaming at the top of my lungs,
About people like them,
"Freaks" they've called them,
"Freaks" they've called me.

And everyone, everyone walked away,
Not a boy nor a girl is willing to stay,
So I walked there, to my house of misery,
I walked there to meet my new family.

They placed me in chains,
Hang me from above,
My limbs are all sore,
And my wings are all chapped.

But it was okay,
For the welcomed me greatly,
Treated me like a princess,
And I treated them not enough.

Hanging, hanging tightly,
If this is what would make anyone love me,
Then I'd do it,
Now and forever more.

Shows came to us,
Like winter on a September moon,
And I flew around like an angel,
I flew around with a smile at last.

Broken wings are none the matter,
For broken souls and shattered dreams are adamant here,
And this is my home,
This is me.

But slowly, slowly,
Less people came,
And no more money is left for us,
No more time to continue our game.

We drew father,
Farther and farther away,
From the love we all knew,
From the house of papers we drew.

But we were still dancing,
Dancing restlessly,
For people who want to see us,
For people who want to be happy.

And some of our last guests did,
Watching with greedy eyes,
Watching with open mouths,
Watching with hungry thoughts.

They torn off my wings,
A glorious, great and terrible scream,
Came out of my heart shaped lips.

A broken angel,
Hanging from above,
Wishing to hang by my neck instead.

They placed me behind bars,
Painted me black,
Named me the fallen angel,
And placed me as their star. 

The ghostly audience applauded for me,
The howled and screamed my name,
They stayed and played our game,
Of life and death.

But then the next audience not so much,
They bent and twisted my arms,
Guttering scream came out me,
As blood came dripping slowly.

The color of Ichor,
Blood of the angels,
A golden yellow hue.

I remember when life used to be not like this,
When music played by my ears,
When harps strung,
And angels sang.

Was my favourite pastime,
But now I could barely dance at all,
I could barely move at all.

Crying at midnight when everyone's asleep,
In the corner of my shell where no one could hear,
Singing me the angel's lullaby,
For there's no one who'd sing that here.

To those that can hear,
Digging my nails on to the walls as they pulled me out,
My fingers bleeding gold roses and thorns.. God help me now.

Crawling away from all of this mess,
They screamed at me to "fuck off",
They yelled at me out loud,
They wanted me to leave now.

A house with a father a mother and a lot of brothers,
I have neither nor either now,
It's just silence and my broken figure,
Trying to learn how to walk again.

Crawling with all my strength,
Like a child learning to walk,
Like a child learning to stand,
A child learning to talk.

Moving slowly,
Falling onto my knees,
Crying, I'm crying,
I hope all of you are happy.

My dears I loved you,
And y'all have loved me,
So I stood in the middle of the streets with noisy cars and yellow lights,
So no one could see me.

Everyone screamed at me to move out of the way,
But no, sir, I won't sir,
I'm for you to run over,
A dead dog with a crushed body.

And yet you dragged me out of there,
Out of my misery,
Crying my eyes out,
You wiped them gently.

Whispering to the voices in my head to quiet down,
Singing me the angel's lullaby,
Putting the voices to sleep.

It turned dawn,
The sun rosed and the birds started to fly,
Steadily and surely,
With fixed wings and fixed dreams.

You pulled my arms up and taught me to walk,
Danced with me in morning dew,
Danced with me until even I fell asleep,
With you.

I woke up to the sun brightly lighting the sky,
I was an angel again,
But you were my angel.

You told me to forget all of last night's problems,
You pulled me up from my chains and pulled me together,
You were my hero,
I was your knight.

But you were the one who saved me of a night without stars,
And to you I owe,
To you I shall sing,
Together we shall dance a waltz under dust colored stars forever.

But you were the one who saved me of a night without stars,And to you I owe, To you I shall sing, Together we shall dance a waltz under dust colored stars forever

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