Part 1

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"Where is he?" Harry asks his men as he steps foot into the house. He's impeccably dressed in a black suit and tie, his hair sitting in a perfect quiff. Harry is one of the most feared men in Britain and even though his main six men have been with him for years, they know when Harry asks a question you answer straight away.

"Basement" Drew, Harry's main man announces.

"He's young" Scott, One of Harry's closest friends tells him.

Scott, Drew and Edward are Harry's most trusted of the six men, Harry trusts them with everything and they know him, the real him.

"Let me see him" Harry states, he's still in work mode and on edge.

Harry and his team work for the government, the underground government. Harry is one of the main, most respected mob boss's of the entire underground. One of Harry's men tried to go rogue and build his own empire up, right under Harry's nose. Harry isn't stupid and his whole team knew about it, Harry let it play out for 17 months. Troy had no idea Harry and his family were on to him, Harry and his men killed all 57 of Troy's so called team at the raid today. Troy though, slipped out somehow, he stole thousands from Harry and Harry will see to it that Troy get's what's coming to him.

What they didn't expect though was to find Troy's son, beat up and neglected in the back of Troy's old car. Harry will do what it takes to draw Troy out of hiding and destroy him and if that means using his kid he will. Harry doesn't play nice and he doesn't give mercy. He's ruthless and his reputation proves so.

Harry walks through the kitchen and heads to the basement, he opens the door and in the corner of the room sees a kid, he looks about 13, he's beaten up, with a bruised cheek and split lip. He's small, so tiny, with feathery brown hair and bright scared blue eyes. Harry's boys have him tied up and gagged, much to Harry's delight. The boy is filthy and definitely needs a bath. The boy brings his knees to his chest and his breathing comes out harsh. Seeing the kid so scared hits Harry's chest hard for some reason, he pushes the feelings away quickly and approaches the boy, causing a whimper to escape from behind the boys gag.

Drew and Scott are standing at the doorway as usual and the poor kid is terrified of all three of them.

Harry crouches down to the boys level and produces a knife from his pocket, that has the boys eyes widening, Harry smirks and reaches out to cut the gag off the kid.

"Name?" Harry asks sternly.

"Lou.....Louis" the boys croaks.

Harry smirks at the stutter.

"And how old are you Louis" Harry asks, rolling his name off his tongue like Velvet.

"Seventeen" Louis whispers.

Harry quirks an eyebrow, the kid is so small he thought he wouldn't be that old, he looks so young.

"Do you know why you're here?" Harry then questions.

Louis shakes his head.

"No?, are you sure?" Harry asks condescendingly.

"I.....I......cause my dad's an asshole?" Louis asks, his innocents shines through and Harry feels guilt, a small sliver of guilt which is so foreign, he pushes it aside.

Harry chuckles.

"Mmmmm, partly yes" Harry says.

"Do you know who I am?" Harry asks.

"No sir" Louis says sincerely.

Harry finds that surprising, maybe Troy did one thing right and kept his son out of the fucked up underground world.

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