Part 26

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Harry didn't realise he fell asleep, he realises the weight of Louis's body isn't on him anymore, he feels cold and empty. He doesn't want to open his eyes and face reality, face Louis being gone. The thought alone has tears pooling behind his closed eyes. What is he supposed to do now? How is he supposed to move on, pretend like Louis never even existed? The thought alone makes Harry's chest ache. Why would the boys move Louis from Harry's arms without his consent, why wouldn't they wake Harry up to say his last goodbyes. Harry's breathing begins to faulter at the threat of more sobs.......That is, until he hears Louis undeniable slight giggle.

Harry's eyes shoot open and he sits up straight on the bed. He looks to his right and sees Louis, his Louis, sitting up between Drew's legs, as Scott feeds him soup. Louis is pale and weak but he's smiling slightly and he's alive.

"Little cub" Harry chokes.

"Daddy" Louis says smiling at Harry, they both lunge for each other and Harry cries yet again, what's going on? Is this a dream.

He pulls Louis back to look at Louis face, he cups his cheeks in his large hands.

"You're okay?" Harry says perplexed,

"You passed out about six hours ago Haz, Louis fever broke about three hours ago, we've been feeding him and Andy said he's going to be okay" Scott says, his voice a little shaky from holding in his tears.

"Wholly fuck, Louis" Harry says as he pulls Louis into him again and hugs him tightly.

"I love you Harry" Louis says.

"God I love you little cub, thank you darling, thank you for not leaving me" Harry says into Louis hair.

The boys watch on, smiling at the reunion.

"You want to take over Haz?" Drew asks kindly,

Harry pulls back from Louis, wipes his eyes and nods.

"Yeah, yeah of course" Harry says chuckling.

The boys move off the bed and let Harry get situated behind Louis, with the bowl of soup.

"Andy says he's weak and will be for a while, we just need to get his strength back up" Scott says.

Harry could die with relief and happiness right now, this is everything to him. Having Louis back on his arms is everything,

"Thanks boys, I owe you, thank you" Harry says.

"Always Haz, Louis one of us now, aren't you kiddo" Scott says smiling.

Louis smiles big in return.

"We have a few things to sort out Haz, be back in s few to fill you in" Drew says.

"Go slow Lou, do as Harry tells you" Scott says with a wink.

"I will" Louis says huskily.

They kiss Louis on the head and leave the room

"Oh cub, I can't believe you're okay" Harry says as he feeds Louis another mouthful.

"I didn't want to leave you" Louis says.

"I'm so glad darling" Harry smiles.

Harry finishes feeding Louis his soup and they hold each other tightly, no words are said they just hold each other close, thankful, they still have each other.


Two weeks later

"And what are you doing out of bed little cub?" Harry asks as he sees Louis in the kitchen doorway, he's wearing sweats and Harry's jumper and he looks adorable, with sweater paws and sleepy eyes.

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