Part 33

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Harry leads Louis over to the bar

"Drink this darling" Harry says handing Louis a shot.

Louis looks at Harry, he's still in complete shock.

"It will help" Harry says.

Louis doesn't question it and downs the drink, it burns his throats and he winces.

"Okay?" Harry asks.

"No, please stop doing that in front of me" Louis says as he takes Harry's shot from his hand and downs it too.

"I'm sorry Cub, I wasn't planning on letting you see that, but he was annoying me" Harry says.

"Oh god" Louis says as he puts his head in his hands.

Harry just took that mans life, no regrets or remorse at all, Louis is struggling with how wrong it is and how much he loves Harry.

"Come on darling, lets sit down" Harry says as he brings Louis over to a private booth in the corner, all eyes follow them and Harry knows it.

Harry sits down and Edward and Drew stand watch over in the corner. Harry brings Louis onto his lap so he's straddling Harry. Harry looks at his boy and rests his forehead on Louis.

"Let me take your mind off things Cub" Harry says sexily

Louis looks around the club, all eyes lingering at them, he's uncomfortable, the shots start to kick in though and Louis relaxes a little.

"Everyone is staring at how beautiful you are, I want you to show them who you belong too" Harry says huskily.

"Wha?" Louis asks nervously.

"Show them who your daddy is darling" Harry says and he attaches his lips to Louis in a rough kiss.

It takes Louis by surprise but the kiss quickly turns heated and Harry starts moving Louis on his hips, grinding him up and down his lap so their crutches are rubbing against each other's, Louis gasps as Harry moves his hips with his large hands. Louis pulls back.

" don't want to do this here" Louis says pained.

"Darling, all these people want you and you're going to show them that you're mine, like a good boy" Harry says.

His grip on Louis gets tighter and Louis whimpers.

"Good boy, relax, I'm going to make you feel so good, going to make you come in your pants, you're going to look beautiful and everyone will know I'm your daddy" Harry says

Louis doesn't want to be exposed like this, doesn't like this but Harry's voice has him submitting, he wants to fight it though.

"Harry, please....please..." Louis begs,

"Pleas what?" Harry asks.

"Please not here" Louis whines,

"Yes here darling, your cock is so hard isn't it, I make you so hard, make you feel so fucking good don't I, everyone's watching you, watching how gorgeous you are, watching you come undone on daddy's lap" Harry says.

Tears prick Louis eyes, he feels so good, Harry knows how to take care of him, he loves Harry and wants to please him so he makes his mind submit fully.

"You're going to come now, just for daddy" Harry says.

Louis can't control his body and he spills inside his boxer shorts, he whines and leans against Harry, his face flushed as he rides out his high.

'Fucking hell, you're gorgeous, you're all mine, so beautiful, such a good boy for daddy" Harry tells Louis.

Louis comes back to reality and a few tears escape his eyes.

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