Part 15

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Louis wakes to Harry sitting on the side of the bed stroking his hair. Their eyes meet but words aren't exchanged. Louis knows he's in trouble.

"Don't look so nervous" Harry smirks.

Louis coughs, his chest tight.

"You're going to punish me" Louis says quietly looking at his hands.

"Seeing Jax shot and die in front of you is punishment in itself..... but yes, you're right I am going to punish you Cub" Harry says.

"How?" Louis chokes.

He's scared, but Harry promised him he would never hurt him.

Harry helps Louis up off the bed, he makes quick work of pulling Louis pants down and placing him over his knee, Louis gasps.

"Why are you being punished Louis" Harry asks sternly.

"I......cause.....I didn't listen to you" Louis stutters.

"And what did I tell you to do?" Harry asks.

"Wait in the car" Louis says.

"That's right and you put your self in danger and that's not to happen again" Harry says.

Louis braces himself for impact, and his breathing quickens.

"Ten to each cheek, you don't have to count" Harry says and lays his palm harshly on Louis left cheek, Louis hisses in response.

Harry is relentless and harsh in his hits, he needs Louis to understand how serious this is, how his behaviour could have gotten himself kidnapped or killed. There is so much emotion going through Harry's body and it's being let out on Louis. Harry can't help the terror inside, the moment he saw Troy about to grab Louis, he can't let anything happen to his boy.

Louis is sobbing quietly, he can feel Harry's raw emotion and his anxiety through the hits, they hurt badly but he understands why it's happening and he will take it knowing he let Harry down and needs his forgiveness.

Harry finishes with a loud smack before he draws Louis into his chest, Louis straddles Harry and let's Harry comfort him.

"Good boy, my good boy, so good for me Cub" Harry chants as he presses kisses to Louis head.

"I love you so much Louis, I can't let a single thing happen to you" Harry says, he pulls Louis face off his chest and grabs his cheeks in his large hands, looking the teary eyed boy in the eyes.

"I love you Harry, I'm sorry I disobeyed you" Louis hiccups.

"Forgotten Cub, you did so well" Harry praises.

Then his lips are on Louis and the kiss turns heated, Harry is careful of Louis and knows he's still healing but he will take this opportunity to ravish and claim his boy.

Harry spins and lays Louis softly on the sheets while he kisses him passionately. He nips at Louis ear and licks down his jaw making soft whimpers escape Louis lips. Harry makes quick work of undressing them, both, soaking in every inch of Louis.

"Harry" Louis breaths.

"All yours darling" Harry says as he spreads Louis legs and pushes himself harshly inside Louis with no prep.

Louis screams and arches off the bed in the most delectable way, it burns but Louis needs Harry right now and he deserves the pain.

Harry watches in awe as Louis takes him, he's so tight around Harry's cock and the feeling is like no other. He thrusts deep and Louis mewls as tears stream down his delicate face.

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