Part 45

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"Okay yeah I guess I can try it" Louis says as Andy and Harry stand in front of him in the kitchen.

Andy has brought home a new filtered water jug for Louis to try. The water is filtered through before he drinks it and Andy has told him it will filter out any nasty things, even drugs. It's a stretch of the truth but Louis seems to believe it and is open to trying it.

"Good boy darling, that's all we ask" Harry says stroking Louis hair.

"Now food Lou, we need to know why you're not eating" Andy asks carefully as he fills the water jug up and allows it to filter through to show Louis how it works.

Louis shrugs in response.

"Cub" Harry says sternly

"Just not hungry" Louis says quietly.

"Well, that's changing, you're at the point of hospitalisation, do you want that Louis?" Andy asks.

Louis looks at him scared, eyes wide and upset.

"But...I" Louis tries

"Darling, Andy's not mucking around, this is very serious and I will have you admitted if you don't cooperate and start eating" Harry tells him

"We will start off small and build to bigger meals okay, we're not going to throw you in the deep end, but we need to know you're going to cooperate, we don't want to have to do this against your will" Andy says.

Louis nods slightly, he's ashamed and upset, he feels so lost and messed up right now, he supposes if he gets back to eating though at least he can feel somewhat normal...hopefully.

"Okay then, i will prepare a meal plan for you and we can start at dinner tonight" Andy says smiling encouragingly.

"K" Louis says avoiding eye contact.

"Now, are you sure you're okay to go back to uni today?" Harry asks.

"Yeah" Louis replies.

He's looking forward to taking his mind off things and getting back to studying.

Harry and Andy smile at Louis, Louis gets up and Harry kisses him goodbye as he goes to leave the house with Daniel.

When Louis is gone Harry turns to Andy.

"That went well" Andy says

"Yeah a little to well if you ask me" Harry says, not fully convinced they have Louis on board.

"It's a start, we will see how well he goes tonight" Andy says.

Harry nods and gets up, he's got a lot of work to do and he says his goodbyes to Andy and makes his way to Drew, Scott and Edward in his office. Don is causing trouble and Harry needs to get on top of it before it gets out of hand.

At Uni Louis is having a great day with Noah and hasn't been bothered by Jason or Jake at all, Which he finds odd but doesn't think to much of it, maybe they are sick or maybe they have realised Louis isn't worth tormenting and dropped out of uni.

It isn't until after last class that it hits Louis, Jake and Jason aren't at school, Noah hasn't seen them for days and it hits him like a ton of bricks as to why. His breathing is so heavy and he's upset by the time he makes it home.

Louis runs from Dan, who calls his name over and over, Louis doesn't listen, he barges to the kitchen where Harry and the boys are laughing and eating. They take one look at Louis distraught face and immediately turn concerned.

"Lou?" Edward says.

"Darling what's happened" Harry asks as he stands up.

Louis doesn't answer as he runs passed them towards the basement.

"Shit" Drew curses

"Louis stop" Scott tries as they all chase after him.

Louis is fast though and Edward catches him and hauls him up into the air around his waist just as he opens the door and barges into the basement. The boys entering after him.

He was right, he knew it, how could he have not found this out sooner, Jake and Jason are tied up and injured against the wall in the basement. Facing the same fate Louis was supposed to all those months ago.

Louis squirms in Edwards arms to get free.

"Calm down kiddo, it's okay" Edward tries.

Jason and Jake look up at the intrusion, they both look weak yet still angry and cold. They glare at Louis evilly.

"Just calm down bud" Edward says as Louis stops struggling and Edward loosens his grip on Louis.

Harry then comes waltzing into the room, he's all dominating and business like.

His fingers play with his lip as he debates what to do next.

"I didn't want you to find out like this cub" Harry says.

Louis looks at Harry, he's upset that this is happening, even after what Jake and Jason did to him, he still doesn't want them to receive the this fate.

"I...what's going to happen to them?" Louis asks innocently.

Harry's eyes soften.

"I think you know darling" Harry says.

Tears prick Louis eyes.

"But.....I..." he tries but he can't find his voice.

"Come on kiddo, let's get you out of here" Drew says as he comes to help Edward drag Louis out, they know he will put up a fight.

"No...I just....please" Louis tries.

Scott gives Harry a gun and Louis eyes widen, he fights Drew and Edwards arms as best he can but he's small and they overtake him.

"I'll make it quick darling, I promise" Harry says as he kisses Louis on the head

Drew succeeds at picking Louis up. Louis hides his head in Drew's neck as he's carried out like a child. He grips Drew's shirt so tight and sobs leave his body as he hears two gunshots when they reach the kitchen.

Louis feels like he can't breathe, like he's under water, he's choking back tears and sobs as he fights to catch his breath.

"Louis, bud, hey, calm your breathing it's all okay" Drew tries.

"He ki....illed them....he shot the.....them it's all my fault" Louis stutters.

"No, kiddo, it's not your fault just relax" Edward says.

They take Louis to the lounge where he straddles Drew on the couch, he won't stop crying and he won't life his head or let go of Drew. So they just wait, wait for Harry to come back and wait for Louis to hopefully calm down.

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