Part 42

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"Okay Harry, I need you to calm down, I've got him okay, put him on he bed" Andy says.

Andy instructed Harry to take Louis to their medic room that's set up, rather than the bedroom. He can keep a better eye on Louis and he has everything he needs at his hand.

Harry tries to steady his breathing as he lays Louis on the bed, Edward and Drew are in the room now too and look on concerned.

Andy rips Louis shirt open and attaches heart rate monitors to Louis chest, he then grabs an oxygen mask and places it over his mouth. He then takes bloods and puts a drip in. Andy has a courier pick up the blood within minutes and Louis results with what drug he's been given should be back within 20 minutes.

"How long ago was he slipped something? "Andy asks as he takes Louis pulse again.

"About 20 minutes" Edward says.

"Okay, listen, I think he's been slipped roofies, it's got similar symptoms, but mixed with the alcohol you told me Louis already drunk, it can be life threatening. His pulse is low and if we don't sort it, he could slip into a coma. I'm going to give him something that will help him absorb the drug, but it induces vomiting, he's unconscious so I'ts going to be messy but we need to get this drug out of his system. He's to small and his body isn't coping, so I can't leave him to sleep it off" Andy explains.

Harry nods, he's worried sick, if Louis was given to much of the drug, his body could start shutting down. Edward and Drew don't make a move to leave, wanting to make sure Louis is okay.

Andy slips something into Louis drip and five minutes later it's working and Louis starts vomiting, he's rolled to his side and Harry holds him from behind as his stomach empties everything.

This goes on for a few hours, before Louis finally stops vomiting, he's body is exhausted. Andy cleans him up and settles him down to sleep, making sure to keep the oxygen mask and heart rate monitor on Louis. Harry decides to change Louis in his comfy black sweater and Louis own sweats,

"How long until he wakes up?" Edward asks.

"Could be another day" Andy says as he ends his phone call.

"Another day?" Harry asks flabbergasted

"Yep, its definitely roofies" Andy confirms.

"Shit" Drew says.

"His body is exhausted, and he's tiny, it's definitely taken it's toll on him" Andy says.

Harry sits by Louis bed for seven more hours, before he has to go to the bathroom, he walks upstairs has a shower and changes into his own sweats and a T-shirt. He wants to be comfortable and Louis could be asleep for another few hours, his vitals are stable so Harry doesn't feel so bad about leaving him while he freshens up.

He's in the kitchen getting a snack when he hears Louis yelling his name.


Louis comes to feeling like he's been hit by a bus, he opens his eyes and realises he's in some type of hospital room, his body is completely exhausted, he can hardly move. Flashbacks start to come back but he can't make sense of anything, he has no idea what's happened to him, he can't remember, his breathing starts to quicken, he's alone in the room and he's scared.

"Haaary" Louis whispers, his voice is so groggy.

He gets no response

"Harry" he chokes as the tears start.

He's starting to worry about where Harry actually is, he tries one last time and yells Harry's name as best he can. He feels so sick and just wants Harry.

Harry comes running into the room,

"Cub, darling it's okay, calm down" Harry says.

Louis is so relieved to see Harry and cries

"It's okay, it's okay" Harry says as he comes beside Louis bed and strokes his hair.

Louis lifts up his oxygen mask,

"Leave that on darling, its helping you" Harry tells Louis gently as he tries to put the mask back on him.

"I'm going to vomit" Louis says. Harry grabs a bucked and holds it in front of Louis just in time for him to spew into it.

"It's okay, just get it out, it's all normal" Harry reassures Louis.

When Louis is finished Harry disposes of the bucket and Andy comes in.

"Hey kiddo, you okay?" Andy asks as he checks Louis vitals.

Louis lies down, he's so lethargic as he shakes his head no.

"It's just the drug, you'll be okay in a few days, it's important to rest" Andy says.

"Can....can I go to our room" Louis asks pleadingly.

He feels so pathetic and sick, he's trying to keep himself together but it's hard. He's never ever felt this bad.

"Just stay a couple of hours more down here so I can get as much fluids into you as I can, we need to make sure the vomiting has stopped too, you can go back up to bed tonight okay" Andy says.

"Now put this back on cub" Harry instructs as he puts the oxygen mask back on Louis.

"Nooo" Louis whimpers but Harry doesn't listen and continues putting it back on.

"Go back to sleep cub, you'll feel better when you wake up" Harry says.

Louis shakes his head from side to side.

"Darling, please do as I say this one time" Harry says fondly. He's so glad Louis is okay enough to argue.

Louis tears come then and Harry doesn't hesitate to get into bed with him calming him down and laying him across his chest.

"I love you cub, you're okay" Harry reassures.

Louis just feels so lost and upset, he doesn't really remember what happened it's all flashes and bits and pieces. Harry can't stand Louis being like this, he's so sick and Harry vows to get back at Don and put him in his place, and he thinks Jake might just be the way to do that.

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