Part 20

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e have so much respect for you Harry and we love you but you're being a complete idiot and asshole" Edward says

"Watch your tone Edward" Harry says darkly,

"As your friend Harry I won't, I'm being serious. Louis is not coping without you, the kid is alone, scared and feels abandoned, he told Scott he thinks you don't want to be with him anymore" Edward says angrily.

Edward, Scott and Drew are all in Harry's office, they went to confront Harry as soon as they got home. Seeing Louis so upset had them agreeing to intervene.

"Look Harry, we understand this is hard but you committed to Louis and you can't do this to him" Scott says.

"What if I don't love him anymore?" Harry says, even though his heart nearly breaks saying the words.

"That is the biggest crock of shit Harry, seriously, stop pushing him away, you need him and he fucking needs you too, stop being so selfish and grow the fuck up" Drew says angrily.

The boys then turn around and leave the office and Harry alone to his thoughts.

The last three weeks have had Harry in a bad mood, he wants to see Louis, craves Louis, his heart is breaking at not having him by his side but he thought it was for the best, thought giving Louis space would make him realise Harry is no good for him, make Louis realise he nearly died because of Harry, but it seems Louis doesn't think that at all and still wants to be with Harry. Harry would do anything to run to Louis now, bring him into his arms and care for him, love him and ravish him that what's best for Louis.

Harry sighs, grabs his coat and makes his way to the car, when they pull up at the hospital, Harry tells his driver to go park the car and wait for him. Harry makes his way to Louis ward not missing the looks he gets from people, Harry knows he's intimidating and usually loves the way people react to him, he's feeling extra shit today though and he has people running in the other direction and avoiding walking anywhere near him. Harry makes it to Louis room, he opens the door slowly and Harry's breath hitches, Louis is fast asleep and looks utterly gorgeous. Tear tracks stream his face and Harry's chest feels tight.

He walks in and walks to Louis side, he swipes Louis fringe off his forehead and kisses Louis head, he then pulls up a chair and sits next to the bed, just watching Louis.

"Hi Harry" Sammy says as she walks in to issue Louis with medication in his drip and check is vitals

"Hey Sammy, how are you?" Harry says.

"Good good" she says.

"You going to wake him up?" She then asks Harry.

Harry shakes his head no

"He will be so upset he didn't see you" Sammy says.

Harry's guilt pinches him but he ignores Sammy

"How's he doing?" He asks instead.

"He's okay, walking a little better, he's developed a temp and won't eat anything, which is frustrating but he will get there" Sammy says,

"A temperature? So he's getting sick?" Harry asks worriedly.

"Doctor thinks it's an infection, it's a setback but he will be okay" Sammy says.

Harry nods and rubs his hands over his face.

"He needs you Harry, the hospital won't let him leave until he's eating and his temp is down, he's not responding that well....I know he'd be doing so much better if you were here with him" Sammy says.

"Uhhhh I have work Sammy I can't be here 24/7" Harry says frustratingly.

"I'm not saying you need to be" Sammy says defensively, she cares about Louis so much.

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