Part 35

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"Hey baby boy" Harry says fondly as Louis enters the kitchen the next morning, still in Harry's sweater and his sweats from bed, he's sleepy and he looks at Harry with a pout on his face.

"The bed is cold without you" Louis says cutely.

"I'm sorry darling, I had work to do, thought I would let you sleep a little longer since your first class isn't until later" Harry says.

He walks over to Louis and Louis wraps himself up in Harry's arms.

"I missed you" Louis sighs,

"I missed you too cub" Harry smiles fondly.

"What would you like for breakfast?" Harry then asks, walking to the bread box already knowing Louis is going to say toast and jam.

"Toast with jam please" Louis smiles cutely.

"Coming right up" Harry smiles.

When Louis has his toast and Harry is happy enough he's eating, he begins the dreaded conversation he doesn't want to have.

"Cub, I'd like to talk to you about a few things" Harry says.

They are sitting at the dining table, Harry at the head of the table and Louis to his left. Louis stops mid chew and swallows hard.

"What, about? Have I done something wrong?" He asks carefully.

"No darling, I just....its about what happened last night" Harry says.

Louis puts his toast down and pushes his plate away.

"O,o,okay" he says shakily.

Harry sighs.

"I know you don't like what I do and want to be kept seperate from the underground. I understand and respect that but......I need to tell you everything I do so as you don't get blindsided by anything" Harry says.

Louis just stares straight at Harry, he knows he isn't going to like this but he reminds himself he loves Harry and that's what matters.

"I run the biggest drug and sex ring in Britain, I deal drugs, sell women and men for sex, I own most of the clubs in London and control the borders drug trafficking schedule. I've been threatened that this is all going to be exposed to you and I need you to understand that I work with the government to keep this all as above board as it can be" Harry says.

Louis stares at Harry, trying to take all of that in.

"Um, I don't even know what that means, the only thing I want to know is if you sell kids and underage men and women for sex" Louis asks.

"No Cub, and my teams are on top of sex trafficking as best as we can be, anything to do with that is not us, but I don't really have control over any of that. We do what we do to help prevent that sort of thing" Harry says.

Louis relaxes, he kind of knew all of this about Harry, just stopped himself thinking about it really.

"Okay" Louis says

"Okay?" Harry questions.

"Yeah.....i guess I kind of Knew what you did, just never had it confirmed. It doesn't make me love you any less. I know you do what you do to try and do good and that's what I try to focus on" Louis says.

Harry sighs relieved.

"You're so good to me cub" Harry says.

"Was it that Don guy who threatened you?" Louis asks.

"Yes darling, listen to me, he's dangerous and isn't someone I want you anywhere near, understood" Harry says seriously.

"I understand but, what does he want from me? Why did he want to expose you to me?" Louis asks.

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