Part 39

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"Morning Lou" Edward says as Louis enters the kitchen the next morning.

"Morning" Louis says as he walks to the fridge to get a bottle of water.

"You hungry?" Edward asks as he puts a piece of toast in his mouth.

"No, I'm good thanks" Louis smiles.

He didn't really sleep much last night, worried about Jake and Jason today, he also had to catch up on what he missed yesterday when he skipped class and was up quite late studying,

"Louis, you need to eat something" Edward says.

"I don't want anything, thanks though, I'll see you later" Louis says and goes to walk out the room.

"Louis, don't you walk out that door" Edward scolds after him

Louis doesn't listen and races to the car where Dan is already waiting. He gets in the back seat and Dan starts the drive to school.

Louis knows Edward will go straight to Harry with the fact he didn't eat but he doesn't care right now, he's not hungry and just wants to get this day over with.

The first two classes go by quickly and Louis spends his break between his second and last class sitting under the oak tree with Noah, he's quiet and again doesn't eat, but Noah doesn't pick at him for it.

"So Lou, Scott told me about this Jake guy and his friend Jason" Noah says calmly.

Louis looks at Noah, he really doesn't want everyone knowing how weak he is.

"It's nothing" Louis says shaking his head.

"You should have told me, I would have helped you" Noah says.

"There is nothing to tell, I just..." Louis starts.

Louis doesn't finish his sentence before Jake and Jason are walking over, Dan sees this and moves closer but doesn't step in, he films everything though, like Harry asked

"Ohhhhhh how are you today cub" Jake mocks.

Louis and Noah stand up.

"What do you want?" Noah asks

"None of your fucking business" Jason says angrily.

"It is my business when it concerns Louis" Noah fires back.

The boys laugh at Noah.

"Does Harry know his Cub has another boyfriend" Jake laughs.

"Shut up Jake" Louis says.

"Ohhhhhh, he talks" Jason mocks.

"Just leave him alone" Noah says.

"Or what" Jake threatens.

Something comes over Louis at that remark, that's Jake's way of practically threatening Noah and Louis is angry, before he realises what he's doing, he's swinging his arm back and punching Jake square in the eye. It's so hard Jake falls and Louis hand hurts like a mother. Jason then goes for Louis but Louis pushes Jason first, and Jason stares shocked.

they have drawn a bit of a crowd and Jason goes for Louis again and Louis goes for Jason, Dan decides to step in then and pulls Louis back.

"Easy there kiddo" Dan says as he grabs Louis by the waist and lifts him in the air.

Jake stands up holding his eyes, it looks pretty bad, Noah is looking on shocked and proud at the same time.

"You're fucked you understand" Jason says furiously.

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