Part 7

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"Jake is a jock at Louis school, what we found out is that Louis doesn't have many friends, he's quiet and nerdy and doesn't like being in the social scene, he's a straight A student and has an impeccable IQ" Drew tells Harry.

"Mmmmm a smart one then" Harry replies.

"We brought him a new phone, tracker is installed and we can know where he is at all times" Edward says handing Harry over a new black iPhone.

"We don't trust Jake, we are looking into him a bit more" Scott says.

"Okay, I don't want Louis going back to that school" Harry says.

"We actually have to agree, full of the wrong kind heaps of druggies and we saw at least six girls from Isaacs strip club and we caught three groups of kids from Louis year scoring off Josh, Jake was one of them" Edward says.

"Coke?" Harry asks for clarification.

"No....ICE" Drew says.

"Shit, what the fuck is Josh doing selling ICE to fucking teens, Jesus Christ, get him in my basement by tomorrow" Harry snarls.

"You got it" Scott says.

"How's Louis?" Drew asks.

"He's okay, tired and bored, will one of you go up there and keep him company while I finish off a few deals?" Harry asks.

"Sure boss, happy too" Edward says.

"Thanks boys" Harry replies and he goes back to sorting out some work.

Scott ends up heading up to Louis, he knocks on the door and walks in just as Louis throws the TV remote at the door, Scott catching it before it hits him. He looks at Louis eyebrows raised. Louis huffs and crosses his arms.

"Okay?" Scott asks as he places the remote safely on he bedside table.

"Im bored and Harry won't let me out" Louis says coughing as he does.

"Mmmmm well I wonder why kiddo" Scott chuckles.

"I'm not sick anymore" Louis says.

"No? What did Andy say this morning" Scott asks pointedly.

"Ughhhhhhhhhh" Louis whines and flops dramatically on the bed.

Scott laughs in fondness,

"Is there anything you guys don't know" Louis asks.

Andy came around to check up on Louis this morning, being Day four of Louis bedrest. Louis fever is now low grade but his chest is still horribly infected. Andy has prescribed more antibiotics, and another four days in bed, Louis is going crazy.

"No, that's our job, look here, I've brought you some school work" Scott says.

"Really? went to my school?" Louis asks surprised, sitting up

"Of course, anything for you kiddo" Scott says.

Louis smiles at Scott as he hands it all over.

"I've never known anyone to be happy about school work" Scott says sitting next to Louis.

Louis shrugs.

"I.....I've always been good at it I guess, I've never been very popular, I always just liked books and reading" Louis says, a little ashamed.

"Hey, that's great Lou, no offence but the kids at your school didn't seem like the type you'd want to be friends with anyway" Scott says.

"Yeah, I guess, they aren't really very nice people if I'm honest, I just stick to myself so it doesn't bother me. It's not like I have a choice in what school I go to" Louis says.

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