Part 41

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"Last one Cub" Harry says as Noah hands Louis his fourth drink.

Louis is a complete light weight, he's never been drunk before and the drinks have gone straight to his head. Edward, Drew and Dan watch on fondly from another table as they guard both Harry and Louis. They aren't used to being out like this with Harry, it's always business and it's nice to see him letting his hair down a bit.

Louis looks at Harry and pouts

"It tastes so good" Louis says.

"Mmmm you're trouble Darling aren't you" Harry smiles fondly as he pulls Louis onto his lap and kisses his head.

"I'm worth the trouble though, aren't I" Louis says cutely.

Harry laughs.

"Every bit of trouble" Harry says as he gives Louis a quick kiss on the lips.

Nick's is fairly quiet tonight, Harry is thankful and they aren't bothered by too many people staring at them, Harry can relax a little more. He's enjoying spending time with Louis, without having to work or worry too much about him as he's right by Harry's side.

Louis is having fun, Noah and Scott are such a cute couple and they both don't care that Harry is the boss of the underground tonight, they are happily joking and laughing with him and Louis. Noah's friends are a bit of a different story though, there is six others with their partners at the table and all of them either gave Louis a dirty look or were to intimidated to talk to them both. It bothers Louis but he tries not to show it, he's having fun just being out with Harry, Noah and Scott.

"So Lou, how's your hand?" Noah asks.

"It's sore but it's fine, serves me right for punching someone I guess" Louis shrugs.

"Yeah but you hit him so good, I couldn't even believe you'd done it" Noah laughs.

Louis smiles back in response, he's pink lips from his drink are prominent and he looks adorable.

"I need to go to the bathroom" Louis says as he gets up.

"I'll take you" Harry says.

"It's okay, I'm fine" Louis says stumbling a bit, Harry chuckles

"You sure cub? You're having difficulty standing" Harry teases.

Louis looks at Harry and pouts.

"I'll be right back" Louis says.

Harry swats Louis on the bum as he leaves and gestures to Edward to follow him. Edward laughs and goes to follow Louis to the bathroom.

"It's quiet tonight Haz" Scott says as Harry turns back to the table.

"Yeah, I've noticed" Harry sighs.

"Is that bad?" Noah asks.

"It's unusual, especially for a Friday night" Harry tells Noah.

"Is something going to happen?" Noah asks a bit uneasy.

Harry and Scott look at each other.

"We should get going soon, don't want to hang around to long" Scott says,

"Scott, what's wrong?" Noah asks as he looks between Scott and Harry.

"Nothing Noah, we wouldn't put you or Louis in danger by being here, it's just not the usual crowd in here on a Friday night, if people knew Louis and I were coming that could be the reason though" Harry says.

"Well I didn't tell anyone until you showed up, didn't want you guys to feel awkward or something" Noah says.

"Appreciated" Harry says.

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