Part 5

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"Nick called, Louis is home safe" Edward tells Harry as he walks into his office.

Harry nods, standing up and placing his hands on his hips.

"What's word?" Harry asks.

Edward sighs.

"Street wants to know who he is, two guys stopped him walking home, Nick has no idea who they were, newbies he thinks. Asking questions about you and Louis" Edward relays.

Harry sighs.

"Okay, I want 24 hour protection on him" Harry says.

"Boss, with all due respect, why is Louis different?" Edward asks carefully.

Harry looks intently at Edward

"I wish I knew" Harry says defeated.

"It's because you're in love with him" Scott says smirking as he and Drew walk into the office.

"Not this again" Harry says rolling his eyes.

The boys chuckle.

"I don't fall in love boys" Harry says as he leans forward and rests his hands on his desk.

"No, you just haven't fallen in love before, Louis got you and that's okay you know" Drew says.

"But it isn't, I can't just bring him into this world, I can't just open him up to this, I kill people for a living, I own strip clubs, I deal drugs, the government pays me to make sure our streets are clean and organised. How can I bring an innocent kid into all of that?" Harry asks frustratingly.

"He doesn't need to be involved Haz, you know that, keep him seperate. He may not know exactly what you do, but he sure as shit knows that his dad isn't a banker and that you nearly killed him" Scott says.

"People want me dead, I'd be putting him in danger, he would be a target to get to me" Harry says.

"Have we let them get to you so far?" Drew asks.

"Why would we let them get Louis?" Edward says.

"And now the street knows of him, when they dig deeper, find out he's Troy's son, he will be safer with you" Scott says.

Harry sighs, the boys are right, Louis is safer with him. He can't just kidnap Louis though, make him live with him, make Louis fall in love with him too. He will just have to do this the right way and hopefully Louis returns the feelings.


Louis walks out of school the next day with a runny nose, bad cough and wheezy chest. His throat feels like it's closing over and he knows he's burning up. Jake and him walk to the front of the school together, Louis trying to work out how he's going to get off work tonight, he just feels awful.

"Whoa, is the president here or something" Jake whistles, causing Louis to look up from his feet.

He sees three black range rovers, waiting in the school parking lot, there are kids gathering and staring everywhere. The middle car has Drew and Scott standing around it, Drew at the top of the car and Scott at the boot. Edward is standing at the back door.

"Shit" Louis says.

"What? You know who it is?" Jake asks.

"Um yeah, I'll see you next week?" Louis says to Jake who nods and goes to stand with his other friends, the jocks of the school, who all hate Louis, they watch as Louis approaches the car, well everyone watches. Louis is hesitant to approach.

"Hey kiddo!" Edward greets him cheerily.

"Hi, Ed" Louis says,

"How's our boy?" Drew asks from the hood of the car,

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