Part 36

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"I'll see you tonight okay Lou, I think I'm staying over" Noah tells Louis as they say goodbye outside Louis next class.

"Okay sounds good!" Louis says.

They smile at each other and Louis heads into class and to his usual spot in the back, Louis doesn't like sitting in the front or middle he feels people's eyes on him all the time and he hates it.

Louis sets his laptop up and takes his phone out to text Harry before classes start. He sees a message already there from Harry.

"I've got a surprise for you when you get home" The message says.

"Should I be worried?" Louis replies

"That you're being cheeky yes!" Harry replies.

Louis smiles and pockets his phone as he feels two people sit next to him, he looks up and sees none other than Jake and Jason sitting next to him.

Louis goes to move but they stop him.

"Not so fast......cub" Jason says smirking at using Harry's name for Louis, the entire underground knows Louis is Harry's little cub and to use the name is completely disrespectful and a punishable offence if caught by Harry or any higher authority, Louis doesn't know that though and just gasps.

"What are you doing here?" Louis manages to say, keeping his voice steady.

"We're in this class now, get used to it" Jake says.

"Wha? Why?" Louis says.

"We're part of the underground now, we know you're dating the main man Louis, but Don is going to see to it that he is next in line to Harry and that means, I'll be the new 'second' of the underground" Jake says cunningly.

"Second?" Louis asks confused.

"Pffft you don't even know your role or position, you're fucking stupid and don't deserve to be anywhere near Harry, you're not worthy of him" Jason spits.

"Whatever, you know nothing about us" Louis says.

"We know more than you think, watch your back Louis, we're back and you mention us to absolutely anyone, you snitch and we will make sure Harry has a bullet through his head and you're next, after you watch him die of course" Jake tells him.

Louis breathing quickens, he can't respond though as the professor walks into the room and begins the lecture, Jake and Jason never leaving Louis side the whole time, they are silent but Louis is to scared to even move, let alone take notes and he spends he whole lesson just sitting there processing the words of Jason and Jake.


"Okay kid?" Drew asks Louis as he's at the bench watching Drew cook dinner.

Louis has been quiet all afternoon and it has Drew worried.

"Drew, what's a second?" Louis asks.

Drew raises a brow to Louis.

"Well, its kind of who you are I guess, the second is the mob boss's partner" Drew says.

"And like, why is that even a thing? Why is that important?" Louis asks.

"Because the mob boss, in this case Harry, is so well respected and important, his partner is his support and they are just as important" Drew says.

"What do they do?" Louis asks

"They stand by their partner, help when it's needed, share the load a little I guess, be available if needed to help with situations of the mob family" Drew says.

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