Part 10

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Louis has a shower and changes into black sweats and a black sweater, with white socks, he's cold and tired and wants to forget about all this shit. He lays on the bed and his eyes close, he's so tired, Louis decides to have a small nap.

Louis wakes two hours later from a horrid nightmare, he's shaking and he looks at the clock to see it's 6:30pm, he sighs, Louis wants Harry beside him and Harry seems to work so much, even living here Louis doesn't think he will get to see Harry that much, he's so mysterious still. He wants Harry to wrap him up in his arms though, he needs to feel safe.

Louis decides to go to try and find Harry and the boys, as he gets downstairs, he notices it's quiet. He wouldn't be allowed to stay here alone though so he knows someone must be around somewhere. The house is huge so it takes Louis a little while to hear where voices are coming from. The basement. Louis hates the basement but he wants Harry right now, he's still shaky and can't get those horrid images of his dad trying to kill him with a knife in his dream out of his head. Louis shudders and makes his way down the stairs. It's dark and creepy and something is telling him to go back but the thought of Harry's arms around him keeps him going.

He can hear low murmurs when he gets to the door and he can recognise Harry's low drawl, not what he is saying though. That's enough to get Louis moving, he wants Harry. He opens the door and all heads whip around to him, just as Harry pulls the trigger and shoots a mans brains out, a man whose tied up on his knees in front of Harry. The man dies instantly and his brain splatters all over the walls, before he falls to the ground, in a pool of blood.

"Louis" Harry says and he sounds pained, regretful

Louis breathing picks up, he just saw Harry, his Harry, blow someone's brains out, no one moves Louis is frozen in his spot.

Louis instincts eventually kick in and he shuts the door and locks it from the outside, trapping Harry and the boys inside. Louis knows the lock won't hold for long, they can shoot it off for one and they are all strong huge humans,

"Louis, open the door kiddo" Edwards voice sounds.

"Louis let me explain, open the door and we can talk darling" Harry's voice sounds, he sounds upset and sad.

Louis does the first thing that comes to mind and he turns and runs, thankfully he didn't take his bag upstairs before, he quickly puts his shoes on that he left by the door, puts his backpack over his shoulder and runs from the house, he runs so fast and he doesn't stop. What the fuck just happened, Louis eventually slows down when he returns to his old apartment, he catches his breathe before he turns to the bushes and spews. He doesn't know whether to laugh, cry or what. He makes his way up to his old flat but when he tries his key it doesn't work.

He then knocks and some strange guy answers the door.

"What?" He asks.

"Um, I....I'm Louis I live here" Louis says shyly.

"Oh your Louis, yeah, well you used to live here, rent wasn't paid so I got your place instead, thanks for the stuff too" the guy says and slams the door back on Louis face.

Louis breathing picks up, what the fuck does he do now. Harry will no doubt be out of the basement and looking for him, or maybe he won't even bother. Louis then runs towards the only other place he knows, Nicks bar. He gets there and it's shut, just his luck. He makes his way into the alleyway and sees a blue dumpster he moves it out from the wall a little and walks to the back, sinking down between the wall and the bin, he can't be seen here and he curls up as tiny as he can. It smells but it's better than being found or murdered out on the streets.

It then starts to rain, heavily and Louis can't help the sobs that escape as he cries.

Louis knows Harry is dangerous, knows he works for the government, gosh he knows Harry kills people for a living but seeing it happen is a whole different thing. Louis loves Harry, he does, he's come to terms with the face he's in love with Harry but now, Louis feels upset, deep down he knows Harry wouldn't hurt him, he had his chance to kill Louis and he didn't. Seeing Harry have no mercy for someone else's life though haunts Louis, the torture that guy must of received before he was finally killed gives Louis bad chills. Harry does this while Louis is in the house too, how can he be so hateful and hurt people like that and come to Louis and love him like he does. Maybe Harry doesn't love him, maybe he's just using Louis, this is how he's torturing Louis and eventually he will kill him.

Louis head hurts from thinking and crying, he doesn't sleep much as the streets seem to awaken at night with drugs, sleezy men, drunks and prostitutes, Louis so scared, worried about being seen but he's not, no one comes looking for him and no one finds him. He drifts off to sleep as the sun rises and he's still soaked to the bone.


"No luck Haz, we're sorry" Drew says as he enters Harry's office at first light.

"Fuck, fuck this" Harry yells upset. He throws his glass of alcohol across the room and it shatters against the wall.

"We will find him boss" Edward says as he comes in.

"What if we don't, he's too vulnerable out there. I don't care if he never forgives me but I can't have him hurt.....please...find him boys" Harry says.

The boys are taken back at Harry's venerability and his worry. He's never shown this much emotion before.

"Boss, he turned up to his old apartment but it's rented by someone else, he took off after that" George says as he comes in to give Harry the news.

"I bet he hates me now, he will never trust me again" Harry scolds himself.

"H, I don't think that's true, Louis knows to some extent what you do for a living, how powerful you are. I think seeing it first hand just shocked him too much and his instincts made him run, he'll come back, he loves you Harry" Edward says.

"What if someone finds him first, I will never forgive myself if something happens to him" Harry says.

"No one will find him before us, we have eyes and ears everywhere it's just a matter of time, we will have him safely back here by tonight" Drew reassures.

"Stoke out the school I want our boys there all day, first sign of him pounce, get him back here safely" Harry nods.

The boys all agree, they can worry about sleeping tonight, when Louis is back safely, the streets aren't safe and they know how urgent it is to find Louis and quickly.

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