Part 14

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Harry and the boys stroll inside, the music is cut off and the lights turned on straight away, everyone stops and stares.

"So sorry to ruin all the fun tonight, the boys and I have some business to attend, so, if you'll all excuse us" Harry says darkly.

That has the club emptying, leaving only Christopher who is the club manager and his staff. Once the club is shut down Harry turns to Chris who's behind the bar.

"We had word Leon showed up?" Harry asks calmly, raising an eyebrow.

"I would have called you myself Harry, No sign of Leon or your boys tonight" Chris says.

Harry looks towards Edward, they exchange a few silent words, Jax did set them up, but why.

"Jax hasn't done his rounds yet?" Drew asks sternly.

"No, he's usually not here until later so I thought nothing of it" Chris says.

Harry nods.

"Well I guess I'm collecting tonight then, Scott" Harry motions.

Scott then walks out the back with Chris to collect their money for the week.

"Find him" Harry snarls at Edward

"I've got the streets working Haz, Louis is safe" Edward reassures.

"They're after him" Harry says.

"I know" Edward reaffirms.


Outside Louis is watching the front door of the club from the window of the car, he won't take his eyes off of it.

"They'll be fine kiddo, this is usual business" George reassures him.

"But, don't people want Harry dead?" Louis asks.

"Not so much, Harry is very highly regarded and respected by the underground, it's the rogues and the newbies that think they can do better and want to challenge him. Harry has a lot of supporters it's just the trouble makers we worry about" George reassures.

Louis nods in understanding, feeling a little more at ease. Suddenly he sees something from the corner of his eye, near the alleyway, he sees four men including Jax, walk down the alley.

"George, why is Jax and those men in the alley?" He asks.

George whips his head up instantly, he grips his gun and goes to move out of the car.

"Wait, where are you going?" Louis panics,

"Stay here Louis, remember Harry's orders, do not move, I'll be back" George instructs.

He gets out of the car and moves towards the alley, then he disappears,

Louis breathing is coming out irregular, he's scared and alone, his chest is weak and he knows if he doesn't calm down he will have an attack or something. He tries his best to calm himself, until he sees none other than his dad and the man who was in Harry's house the other week make there way into the ally too. That means there is six men and one George. Louis knows Harry said not to leave the car but his dad is there, he needs to know what he wants....what he's doing, why he left Louis and didn't hesitate to have him killed.

Before he can stop himself Louis slowly gets out of the car, knowing he's going to get his ass whipped by Harry, he probably won't be able to sit for a week but he needs to see.

He walks slowly towards the entry to the alley, he hears voices and swearing and shouting. He makes his way inside and sees guns including Jax's drawn at George, he gasps and heads whip around towards him.

"Well, well, well, look who it is, we told Jax Harry wasn't stupid enough to leave you at home alone so we could get our hands on you" Louis dad spits

Clearly he knew Harry didn't kill Louis but Louis wonders why Jax is working for his dad, Why would he do that to Harry and why would they want Louis?.

"Didn't think you'd make it this easy for us though" the other guy speaks.

"Don't fucking touch him, Harry is on his way out now and when he sees you he's going to end you Troy" George spits.

Troy laughs at that

"He wishes, listen, send him a message for us would you" Troy says and then in an instant Jax is shot straight in the chest and he falls to the ground.

Louis gasps and brings his hands to his ears trying to block out the noise and panic. His dad and the other four guys move towards him, before they reach him though, they hear Harry's booming voice, they then turn and run from the alley. Louis hears yelling and a few more shots but he watches as Jax spits up blood and tries to breathe before he's dead in George's arms.

Louis can't get used to this, he shouldn't have left the car, Harry is going to kill him. His first instinct is to run but before he can Harry's strong arms are picking him up and forcing his head into Harry's neck.

"Don't look little Cub, it's okay" Harry says comfortingly.

Louis hadn't realised he was crying, tears stream down his cheeks. There are muffled words spoken before Harry is getting into the back of the car with him. Andy, Drew and Edward hop in as well, leaving Scott and George to deal with the mess.

Louis grips Harry like a vice, straddling him as Harry places a blanket over the top of Louis.

"Breathe Lou, it's okay, I've got you" Harry reassures,

Harry is mad that Louis disobeyed his orders but Louis was nearly taken from him, hearing that gunshot and knowing Louis was outside had Harry running like never before, his gut told him to get outside as quickly as possible. Watching Troy and Leon so close to Louis, if he hadn't have gotten there when he did Louis would have been taken from him and god knows what Louis dad would have done to him.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm sorry" Louis says over and over into Harry's chest.

"Shhhhhh, it's okay, you're safe now Cub" Harry tells him. Louis's hiccups soon die down and he's soon pulled into sleep.

"Fuck that was close" Edward says.

"Troy and Leon want him?" Drew questions.

"They won't get a single hand on him" Harry spits.

"Up security?" Edward asks.

"Yes, double it, we will lay low for a while" Harry says.

"I can't believe Jax" Andy says.

"He got what was coming to him" Harry says bitterly.

The boys remain quiet for the rest of the drive and leave Harry in peace as he takes Louis to their room and holds him tightly all night.

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