Part 30

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"Shit sorry mate, are you okay?" A deep voice asks as Louis gets up of the ground, picking up his text book he dropped.

"I'm so sorry, yeah I'm okay" Louis says.

He looks up and sees a boy, obviously older, with blond hair and blue eyes, he's gorgeous and has a wide smile showing straight white teeth.

"You look a bit lost" the guy chuckles.

"Yeah, I'm trying to find lecture hall J but not having much luck" Louis stutters.

The boys smile doesn't falter.

"I can take you, I'm heading that way myself" he says.

Louis looks back at Scott, who's five meters away from Louis. Louis started classes yesterday and it's intense and overwhelming but he's loving it, Scott's been assigned as his guard while he's here and after much discussion, Harry and Scott agreed that he will tail Louis and act inconspicuous. Louis knows Scott will be relaying to Harry that he's talking to a stranger. The boy seems nice though and Harry didn't say he couldn't make friends just that he would vet them.

"Yeah? thank you" Louis says relieved, looking back at the boy.

The boy smiles and they begin walking across the grassed campus.

"I'm Noah by the way" the guy says holding his hand out for Louis to shake.

Louis does,

"I'm Louis" Louis says smiling shyly.

"I know" he boy chuckles.

Louis looks at him confused.

"Everyone knows who you are, you're Harry's and that's why no one is talking to you" Noah says.

"Oh" Louis says looking around and sure enough everyone is staring and whispering as he passes.

"Don't worry about them, you'll be old news next week" Noah jokes causing Louis to smile widely.

"How come you're talking to me?" Louis asks.

"Well, you looked like you could use a friend and to tell you the truth.....I've got an eye on your bodyguard, is he single?" Noah says.

Louis laughs

"I'll talk to him for you" Louis says.

"Appreciated" Noah smiles.

"So Louis, how old are you?" Noah changes the subject.

"17, you?" Louis asks.

"20, in my final year" Noah says.

They then talk about what each other is studying and before Louis knows it he's standing outside his next lecture.

"Thanks for showing me round" Louis says.

"Anytime, Lou, mind if I talk to your guard while you're in class? I've got a few hours before my next class" Noah says,

Louis smiles.

"Go ahead, his name is Scott" Louis says

With that they say their good buys and Louis walks inside to his last class for the day.


Louis exits his class after three hours and he's exhausted, he can't see Scott until he looks to his left and sees him and Noah talking and laughing in the courtyard. Apparently they've hit it off.

"Kiddo, how was class" Scott says as he sees Louis approaching,

"Good" Louis smiles.

He looks between Noah and Scott.

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