Part 6

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Louis wakes in a room he's never been in before, he's sweating and his fever is apparent, he realises he's been changed into sweats and a T-shirt, both are brand new. The room is dark but he wanders out and downstairs, where he can hear the television on. He wanders tiredly into the lounge area, sniffling as he goes. He sees the boys spread all over he couches playing PlayStation. Harry is nowhere in sight.

"Hey Kiddo, you okay?" Edward asks concerned, Louis looks really sick.

"Yeah" Louis whispers out.

"Come sit with us Lou" Scott says patting the spot between him and Edward, Drew sitting on Scotts other side, while Jax and George take up the floor.

"Where's Harry?" Louis asks, for some reason he wants to be close to the man while he feels like rubbish.

"Just gone out to do a bit of work, he will be back soon" Jax says.

Louis walks over and sits down on the couch.

"You hungry?" Edward asks.

Louis shakes his head

"Thirsty?" Drew checks.

"Little bit"'Louis says.

"I'll get you a drink" George says and gets up.

"No, I can get it it's okay" Louis says.

"It's fine I'm heading In there anyway" George smiles.

The other boys all give George their orders of food and drink and he goes to get it organised.

Louis coughs and his chest rattles and hurts.

Scott reaches out and feels Louis forehead,

"Woah kid, you're burning up" Scott says.

"I'm fine, just a cold" Louis says.

He curls up and he leans on Scott who is taken aback but loves that Louis is comfortable and feels safe enough with him and the boys. Scott lifts his arm and pulls Louis into his chest, Edward gets a blanket to put over Louis who shivers underneath it.

George walks back in and hands everyone what they asked for and gives Louis a bottle of water, he takes it and drinks pretty much the whole bottle.

"Only a little thirsty huh?" Drew says chuckling.

Louis blushes.

"We were about to watch a movie, is that okay with you?" Edward asks,

"Me?" Louis wonders.

"Yeah, you" Scott chuckles.

"Oh um it's your house, I don't mind at all" Louis says.

Edward smiles and ruffles Louis hair as the boys put a movie on.

Twenty minutes in and Louis is passed out completely on Scotts chest, his body is to warm and he keeps coughing in his sleep.

Harry and Andy walk into the lounge and see Louis curled up on Scott's chest, shaking.

"Is he okay?" Harry asks concerned. He's not used to feeling worried about someone like this.

"He's got a pretty high temp, wouldn't eat and passed out about ten minutes ago" Drew says.

Harry looks towards Andy.

"I'll look him over" Andy says.

The boys pause the movie and Andy kneels on the floor and starts checking Louis over, he listens to his chest and Louis doesn't stir, until Andy puts the thermometer inside his ear.

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