Part 21

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Louis sits against the wall behind the dumpster, he is in so much pain, his side aches and he feels like he's going to throw up. It took him two hours to walk from the hospital to the alleyway next to Nick's because of his injuries. Hopefully when Nick opens the club up he can get his job back and sit in the warmth for a few hours, maybe Nick will let him stay in the bar until he can afford his own place. That's Louis plan right now, try and save as much money as he can so he can rent another shit hole, anything is better than the alleyway at the moment though.

Louis rests his head on the wall and tries to stop his body shaking, he closes his eyes and steadies his breathing. He then hears a car pull up, car doors slam and footsteps. He opens his eyes and sees a shadow approaching the dumpster, his breath hitches hoping he can go unnoticed. He doesn't move a muscle.

The dumpster though is moved aside, and Harry's gorgeous face comes into view. Louis sees Harry's body relax at finding him, Louis should have known this would be the first place Harry would look.

"Hey little cub" Harry says.

He keeps his distance knowing Louis isn't happy with him right now, he's just so relieved he found him.

"Hi" Louis whispers.

"It's cold out here darling" Harry says.

Louis shrugs.

Harry sighs.

"Louis, listen, I'm so sorry, can you please let me explain myself, I know I don't deserve it but please" Harry says.

Louis stares at him, last time he ran before he let Harry explain and he regretted it, Louis doesn't want to move, he's got nothing to lose so he just nods his head.

Harry smiles and moves closer to Louis, he sits crossed legged in front of him.

"There isn't much room in here is there" Harry says trying to lighten the mood.

Louis smiles ever so slightly, he's so cold so he curls in on himself more trying to contain his shaking.

"Cub, you're freezing can....let me get you out of here and somewhere warm" Harry says concerned.

Louis looks at Harry with scared eyes,

"No, just......I'm mad at you, you hurt me, you don't want me and you promised me you wouldn't hurt me" Louis whispers out and it breaks Harry's heart.

Harry takes his suit jacket off and places it over Louis, Louis doesn't protest he's too cold. Harry relaxes when Louis doesn't push his coat away.

"Why did you leave the hospital Lou?" Harry starts off by asking

Louis looks at Harry like he's stupid, Harry has to hold in his fond, Louis is still as sassy as ever even when he's so sick and in pain.

"I think we both know the answer to that question Harry" Louis says with as much sass as he can muster.

"I didn't mean what I said" Harry says.

"Then why say it?" Louis asks quietly.

"I was angry at myself, I thought by backing off and staying away from you, that you would realise I was no good for you and leave me, thought it was for the best if you went on to live your life away from me and the underground" Harry says.

"Well that's a load of bullshit, all you did was make me mad at you, I needed you so badly Harry, you made me feel like I wasn't worth it, that you didn't care, that I was weak and needed to man up and deal with what happened alone, It wasn't your fault, it wasn't anyone's fault it happened, but it did and it doesn't change how I feel about you... it's just shit that happened that I thought we would deal with together. I guess that was too much to ask, I know how you really feel about me now" Louis says.

"Yeah? Well How's that?" Harry asks calmly, his heart breaking at Louis words.

"You did love me, you thought you wanted to be with me but now you realise I'm too much trouble, to much of a burden, I'm weak, I can't take care of myself and support myself and I'm not good enough" Louis says as he pulls Harry's coat further around his shaking body, his teeth start chattering.

Harry sighs and gets up, he goes against Louis protests and gets behind Louis, so Harry's back is against the wall, he pulls Louis against his chest and cuddles him close, Louis is so weak he lets it happen, Harry's smell and arms is all he's been craving these last few weeks.

"I still love you, more than ever, that's why I've been acting like a selfish prick Louis. If you hadn't have pulled through I would have died, you mean the world to me and that makes me vulnerable which, in my line of work is a liability. I wanted you safe and I thought that was best away from me and my job, I dragged you into all of this because I was selfish and wanted you, I needed you and I turned your life completely upside down" Harry says.

"And what, now you realise it was all a mistake? That you wished you'd killed me the first time you'd had the chance, so you wouldn't have to feel like this?" Louis asks, tears in his eyes.

"No cub, no, you're my main priority and I just want what's best for you, I see how much I hurt you, I know how much you need me now and I'm sorry" Harry says.

"What about you? Your making it sound like you're only here out of guilt, because you think it's the right thing to do, then when I'm better and healed you'll just leave again" Louis shakes out.

"I don't have the strength to be away from you ever again, I thought I did, I thought I could do it but it broke me, I'm sorry I tried to push you away cub, please forgive me. I will never leave you or let you leave me, you're mine and always will be" Harry says.

"I don't want your money or your stupid things, I want to earn my own money and pay you back for the hospital" Louis says.

"Louis, I know you don't want me for my money, of course I would pay the bill that was no question, you're mine and I didn't even hesitate, I never want you to pay me back God Lou, I'm sorry for making you think that you're not good enough" Harry says pleadingly.

"You made me feel cheap Harry, like a gold digger and that hurts so bad, I've come from nothing, I don't need your money or your things" Louis says as tears stream down his face.

"I know, I know, I know, I was a dick, a selfish dickhead and was just saying things to be hurtful because I felt out of control with everything and I'm sorry. You're 17 Louis, not even out of high school, you shouldn't be worrying about money or where your next meal is coming from and I'll make sure you never have to think about those things again" Harry says and Louis feels in his voice and Harry's body how much he means his apology.

It's quiet for a while as Harry holds Louis.

"I forgive you Harry, but I don't trust you like I did" Louis says breaking the silence.

"I know cub and I promise to gain your trust back, I love you" Harry says.

"I.....I love you too" Louis says.

Harry smiles and kisses Louis on the side of the head.

"You know, I know you're not after my money but I'm still your daddy" Harry whispers sexily into Louis ear, causing Louis to shiver and smile.

"There's that gorgeous smile, God I've missed you cub" Harry says pulling Louis closer.

Louis sighs in relief to have his Harry back.

"Can we get out of the alleyway now or am I still being punished?" Harry chuckles.

"I should leave you here all night" Louis jokes.

"Only what I deserve" Harry says.

"Just...,a bit longer, I'm tired I don't want to move" Louis whispers out.

Harry decides to wait until Louis falls asleep, which isn't very long.

He picks his gorgeous boy up carefully and carries him safely to the warmth of the car, all the boys breathing a sigh of relief at having Louis safe again. They make their way back to the house with plans to make Louis recovery as easy for him as possible.

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