Part 37

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"Drew!! Guess what?" Louis says as he walks into the kitchen the next morning and sees Drew at the fridge.

"What kiddo?" Drew asks smiling widely, he's glad to see Louis is happier than yesterday.

"Look" Louis says and he smiles from ear to ear as he shows Drew his ring on his finger.

"Woah!!! Kiddo wow! That is absolutely amazing!!" Drew says, he's so happy Harry gave Louis his ring, the boys were hoping he would soon.

"What are you so excited about in here?" Edward asks as he and Scott walk into the room, Noah trailing behind, he must have stayed over.

Louis blushes.

Drew grabs Louis hands and shows it to the boys and they all completely lose it Edward picks Louis up and throws him over his shoulder.

"Yes!! About time, he did it" Edward announces.

"We're so happy for you Lou!!" Scott says as he smacks Louis on the bum.

"Let me see!" Noah says and he grabs Louis hand to look closely.

"Wow, Lou, this is awesome!" He says excitedly.

Nobody noticed Harry enter the kitchen and he watches on fondly leaning on the doorframe, he's so happy Louis fits in so perfectly to his life, he's everything Harry has ever wanted and more and for the boys to love him and care so much for him, means the world to Harry.

"Alright alright enough of your shenanigans, get back to work" Harry says smiling from ear to ear.

The boys all start on Harry then, laughing and teasing him, Edward puts Louis down and Louis watches as Harry can't keep the smile off his face when the boys ruffle his hair and play fight him. Louis is so happy right now and they actually feel like the family he's never had.


"Daddy, do you have to work today?" Louis asks cutely as he walks into Harry's office after breakfast.

The boys all look up at Louis, they all are working on an important deal, Louis is always welcome though and they smile fondly at Louis attempt at being cute to get his way.

"Hello darling, I'm sorry I do have to work today, why what's wrong?" Harry asks.

Louis sighs dejectedly looking down, he doesn't want to go to uni, he's trying to avoid Jake and Jason.

"No reason I just.....miss you" Louis says innocently.

The boys all smile at Louis and Harry's dimples pop.

"Darling, I miss you too, but you have classes you should be going to, are you feeling sick or something" Harry asks, turning concerned at the thought of Louis being sick.

"No daddy I'm fine, sorry, I's fine I'm going now. I'll see you tonight" Louis says and he turns to walk out, he feels stupid.

"Louis wait" Harry says after him.

"It's fine,'s fine I promise" Louis says and keeps walking.

Harry sighs and turns to the boys, eyebrows raised.

"Something's up" Edward says.

"Did anything happen at uni yesterday Dan?" Harry asks Daniel

"No, not that I know of, he spent time with Noah and was fine, until he came out of his last class. I was waiting for him but he seemed quite and upset, I assumed it was a rough class" Daniel says.

"Mmm, can you keep an eye on him, maybe sit in class today with him?" Harry asks.

"Sure, I'll be discreet and sit up the back" Dan says.

"Appreciated" Harry says.

They all get back to work, Harry worried something is up with Louis.

Louis avoids Jake and Jason all day as Dan is thankfully close all the time, Louis sees them and they smirk at him and laugh, trying to intimidate him, it works to some extent and Louis just wants to go home.

Noah finds Louis like usual before their last periods and Louis cheers up a bit.

"Is everything okay Bud? You seem quiet and the boys are all worried about you" Noah says.

"What do you mean?" Louis asks confused, why would the boys be worried about him and how would Noah know.

"They said you've been quiet lately and were worried school was getting a bit too much" Noah clarifies.

"Oh um no I'm fine, schools fine, I'm just a bit tired is all, but please don't tell Scott, cause he will tell Harry and Harry will cut back my classes" Louis says.

Noah looks at him, debating in his head what he should do.

"Okay but if I think it's getting too much and I need to tell Scott, I will... okay" Noah says.

Louis nods.

"Yeah, I promise you, I'm fine though" Louis says.

Noah ruffles his hair and they head to next class, Noah leaves Louis at the door, Louis heads inside, not noticing Dan slipping into the class up the very back.

Louis sits in his seat and he's completely on edge as he shakes his knee up and down, he notices Jake and Jason enter the class and His breathing picks up, they make eye contact and smirk as they make their way to sit next to Louis.

"Hi there Cub, how's it going?" Jason says mockingly.

Louis doesn't answer he puts his head down and plays with his fingers, he shouldn't come to last class anymore.

"We asked you a question" Jake says.

Louis still doesn't answer.

"Is that what I think it is?" Jason then asks horrified.

Louis looks and sees he's pointing to the ring Harry gave him.

"Are you serious? Harry gave you his ring? Why the hell would he do that!" Jake says.

"You're completely not worth his time or being his second Louis, why can't you understand what an embarrassment you are, your father disgraced the underground world and Harry's reputation is being tarnished by you" Jake says evilly.

"You're nothing Louis, Harry deserves way better than you, the sooner you see it the better off everyone is going to be" Jason says.

Louis can't stand it anymore and gets up grabs his bag quickly and runs out of class before the lecture begins, he runs across the grass he hears someone chasing him, he assumes it's Jason and Jake so he tries to he run faster, he needs to get away.

"Louis, kiddo, stop!!" Dan yells.

Louis relaxes at Dan's voice and spins around to come face to face with Dan.

"What's wrong kiddo, why did you run out of class?" Dan ask, slowing down when he reaches Louis.

"Ummmm nothing I just feel sick, I just needed to get out of there, I'm sorry... I don't feel well" Louis says.

Dan sighs.

"Okay come on let's get you home hey" Dan says, Louis nods and lets Dan lead him to the car and back home, Louis trying to figure out a plan of how he can avoid his last class from now on.

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