Part 16

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An hour later and Harry still isn't home.

"Lou, come away from the window kiddo, I'm sure Harry won't be long" Scott says.

Louis hasn't moved from his spot even though he's exhausted, he won't let himself rest.

"Can you call him?" Louis asks.

Scott smiles

"Sure buddy" Scott says.

Just as he's about to leave the window, Louis sees the gates open and a car with headlights pull up the driveway. He smiles and goes to run for the door as Scott's phone rings.

"Harry?" Scott asks

"Scott can you ask Louis what his second favourite ice cream flavour is, they don't have his favourite" Harry says.

"Wait, you're not pulling up in the driveway?" Scott asks.

"What? No we're at the ice cream store" Harry says worriedly.

"Louis!!" Scott yells as he sees Louis making his way down to the car.

"Scott? Fuck don't let them take him" Harry says but Scott has dropped the phone and is running after Louis.

Louis turns around to face Scott and as he does two shots are fired and Scott falls to the ground,

"Scott" Louis yells as he's lifted into the air, a cloth is placed over his mouth as he struggles. Scott watches hopelessly as Louis is taken away and the car speeds off down the driveway and out of sight.


"Where the fuck is he?" Harry bellows.

He's pacing his office, Louis has been gone six hours and Harry has no clue where he is, for the first time in his life Harry feels helpless and broken.

"We will find him Harry" Edward says.

"What's news on Scott?" Harry asks concerned.

The scene that welcomed them when they arrived home was horrid, Louis gone and one of Harry's best friends lying in his own pool of blood. Andy was quick to get a team together and operate on Scott in the hospital room Harry has in the house.

"He's out of surgery, he's going to be okay" Drew says.

Harry sighs relieved.

"How the fuck did they get in the gate?" Harry asks,

"Two guards, they are in the basement waiting for you" George says.

Harry nods.

"Lets go" Harry instructs.

Harry is worried sick, his chest is tight and his gut is twisted, he knows Leon and Troy are behind kidnapping Louis and Harry will do whatever it takes to get his boy back, do whatever it takes to find him. He just hopes they keep Louis alive and that Louis is strong enough to make it through whatever they put him through. Harry shudders to think, Troy used to be one of Harry's men, knows what Harry does to people, knows how he tortures his victims to get what he wants, just like he's about to do now.

Harry steps foot in the basement, he's silent as Drew and Edward stand behind him, they shut the door and Harry glares at the two men tied to a chair in front of him. Their eyes are wide open in fear and they know what's coming. Harry doesn't say a word as he moves to the side where a bunch of tools are laid out for him. He picks up a hammer and goes to stand in front of one of the men. Harry can see the fear behind his eyes and visions of Louis scared eyes haunt him, the thought of him going through this. It makes Harry go crazy.

Harry doesn't hesitate as he brings the hammer down on the guards knee with so much force the crack can be heard from up the stairs. The scream is caught by the mans gag and Harry won't have that, he cuts it off with ease before he slams the hammer down on his other knee, the scream is horrific.

"Where is he" Harry asks, his voice laced with anger.

"I don't know" the guy huffs out breathless. He's an easy one, Harry knows he can break him, he just hopes he has the information.

Harry doesn't want to play games so he grabs a knife of the table and grabs the mans hand in his own, holding the knife to the bottom of his finger.

"Where is he" Harry seethes.

"I....I really don't know" the guy stutters before the room is filled with gut reaching screams as Harry cuts the guys pointer finger of slowly.

Harry usually takes his time when he's torturing, somewhat enjoys the control and getting his way. Right now though, Harry just wants Louis and needs to find him.

Two fingers later the guy is at his end, he's begging to be released.

"Kill him, he knows nothing" Harry says as Drew pulls out a gun and puts a bullet through the guys head, effectively causing his pathetic whimpering to stop and silence to fall over the room.

Harry turns his crazed eyes towards the other guard, he's silent and shaking in his chair, Harry's pretty sure he's pissed himself.

"Your turn" Harry smirks evilly.

Harry brings over a large bucket of water, he bends down, takes the mans shoes off and Drew comes over to pull the front two chair legs off the ground and put his legs into the water. Harry goes to get a power tool and turns the power on.

"Where is he" Harry asks.

"Leon and Troy took him" the guy yells.

"Where did they take him" Harry asks angrily.

"Troy's warehouse" the guy says.

Harry is fed up, he dumps the power tool into the water effectively causing shock to the guard, Harry then turns the power off, the guy isn't dead but only has two good shocks in him.

"Where is the fucking warehouse?" Harry asks one last time.

The guard rattles off the address and Harry turns the power back on effectively killing the guy.

Harry stands in the middle of the room breathing heavily, he looks at Edward and Drew.

"Teams ready to go, lets go get him back" Edward says.

"They are going to wish they were never fucking born" Harry says, his voice full of venom.

The light is turned off and the basement door shut as Harry's crew gather to go rescue Louis. Harry will get his revenge on Troy and it won't be pretty.

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