Part 12

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"His chest is bad again, he obviously spent the night in the rain and elements" Andy says worriedly.

"Shit" Harry says as he paces his bedroom.

Harry made sure Andy was waiting for them when they got home, they changed Louis into warm sweats, Harry's sweater and rugged him up and placed him in bed, he still hasn't woken,

"He's got two broken ribs and he's bruised but nothing I can't fix here, I'm more worried about his chest" Andy tells Harry as he starts strapping Louis torso for his ribs.

"Will he be okay?" Harry asks,

"I'm going to set up a drip with antibiotics and so I can give him pain relief, he'll need it, he'll be extremely sore and the coughing will hurt his ribs" Andy says,

"Andy answer my question" Harry then says upset.

"He will eventually be okay, his ribs will take a few weeks as well as his chest but he'll recover fine, in the mean time he's going to have a rough time pain wise and I need to get his temp down" Andy says.

Andy places a drip in Louis arm, gives him antibiotics and pain relief and hooks it on the medical pole he took from the medical room downstairs. Harry didn't want Louis in that room, even though it resembles a hospital for when his team needs medical attention, Harry wants Louis close.

Louis breathing is a little wheezy so Andy decides to set up oxygen tubes in his nose too, just to be on the safe side.

Three hours later and Harry heads downstairs to find the boys and update them on Louis, whose still fast asleep.

Louis wakes slowly and opens his eyes to Harry's empty room and pain in his entire body. He whimpers, he tries not to move around as it hurts so badly. He wonders where Harry has gone, if he's leaving him, what if Harry doesn't want Louis anymore because he ran away from him. Louis feels ashamed and weak, he can't even stand up for himself at school, couldn't even defend himself. He feels embarrassed, especially with how strong and intimidating Harry and the boys are.

Louis is so lost in his thoughts, looking at the wall, he doesn't hear Harry come back in until he's sitting on the bed next to Louis, Harry reaches out and swipes Louis fringe off his forehead.

"Hey little cub" Harry says fondly, his body sagging with relief to see Louis awake.

Louis looks at Harry, right into his beautiful green eyes.

"I'm sorry" Louis whispers out as tears develop in his eyes.

"No darling, I'm sorry, I'm sorry you had to see that, I should have been protecting you more" Harry says.

"I'm sorry I ran, I didn't know what to do, I was scared but I.....I love you and I'm sorry" Louis sniffles

Harry smiles so brightly and his dimples pop.

"You love me?" Harry asks proudly.

Louis nods

"I love you so much and seeing you do that to someone, it scared me but.....I trust you and I know it's your job and you do it for a reason and I'm sorry I didn't let you explain" Louis rushes as his breathing gets harsher.

"Shhhh, it's okay just settle down and breathe, it's okay, I'm not mad and I'm not upset. I understand why you ran but Louis, fuck, I was worried sick, the streets aren't safe for you and I was so fucking worried something had happened to you" Harry says.

"Please Harry, tell me the truth now? Please.....what do you do?" Louis asks.

Harry looks into his gorgeous blue eyes and sighs, he loves this kid to pieces and needs to tell him the truth. He wants Louis to trust him and to love him and that's not going to happen with secrets.

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