Part 34

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"Edward, what's Harry going to do?" Louis asks as he's carried outside. He's panicking a little

"He's just having a chat with those men bud, it's okay" Edward says as he unlocks the rover and places Louis in the backseat.

"When you say having a chat, do you mean killing them?" Louis asks upset.

Edward can tell Louis is on the verge of a panic attack and hops in the back with him putting him on his lap so Louis is straddling him. He shuts the door and grabs Louis face between his hands.

"Harry doesn't kill people for no reason Lou, he's not going to kill them, they are both very important members of the underground" Edward says.

That gets Louis panicking a little more, if they are important why are Jason and Jake with them.

"Jake and Jason.....they....they are in there with them" Louis says breathing heavily.

"I know, it's okay......Louis I need you to breathe kiddo" Edward says.

"Edward, why are they there" Louis says

"Lou, just relax and breathe, Harry will sort it out don't worry" Edward says.

"I don't want them here, what if Harry can't do anything, I want Harry to make Jake go away" Louis says, tears in his eyes.

"Lou, Harry will do anything and everything for you, he will find a way to fix this okay, I promise you kiddo, I promise you" Edward says firmly.

Louis nods his head as he tries to calm himself down,

"Good boy Lou" Edward encourages.

Louis calms down and looks at Edward

"I hate this, I wish I didn't come" Louis says.

Edward sighs.

"Kid, I promise you, everything is going to be okay" Edward reassures.

Suddenly the back door of the rover is opening and Harry is climbing in, Edward hands Louis over to Harry and gets out of the car and into the passenger seat.

"Okay darling?" Harry asks as Louis buries his head in Harry's neck.

"No, what did you do in there?" Louis asks, scared of the answer.

"Nothing Cub, we just had a chat" Harry says.

"Why was Jakee in there?" Louis lifts his head to ask.

Harry sighs.

"Don, the man that bumped into you, he's a big part of the importing and exporting side of the underground, Jake, is apparently his new squeeze" Harry says.

Louis breath hitches.

"Are you going to make him go away?" Louis asks.

"Darling, I can't, its business, but I promise you won't have to be anywhere near Jake okay, but I can't get rid of him" Harry says.

Louis wants to cry, he knows Harry has so much on his plate and he doesn't want to be in the way, as long as he doesn't have to see Jake Louis can deal with it.

"I thought you didn't want me killing anyone anyway" Harry smirks.

Louis looks up at Harry, his long eyelashes and gorgeous blue eyes pierce through Harry.

"I didn't mean kill him.....well... I mean as long as I don't know about it" Louis shrugs innocently.

Harry chuckles and kisses Louis on the head.

"Let's get you home okay, you've got uni tomorrow and you've had a rough night" Harry says as he kisses Louis forehead.

Louis lays on Harry and falls asleep snug in his arms, Harry carding his hand through Louis hair.

"Boss?" Drew asks from the front seat, when Louis is off

"Don's a problem boys" Harry says

"What's the plan?" Edward asks.

"He's already using Louis against me, he's going to use Jake to get to Louis too" Harry says.

"What does he want?" Drew asks.

Harry sighs and pinches his nose.

"He wants full access to the cuspid trade and 80% revenue, he wants to put more of his men on the streets in north London selling...he wants shares in the clubs that he knows we own and access to the new deal we've made with Hugh's gang" Harry says

"Fuck" Edward swears.

"It's not the money I'm worried about, I make more than enough, if I left it all, we'd live like kings for the rest of our lives, I could give Louis and you boys the world" Harry says.

"But?" Drew says.

"I've worked so hard to get to where we are now, the government won't let me leave so easily if we're not in agreement, I could be put away for a few years if they don't like it. Plus, I don't trust Don with a grain of salt, he's dirty and my underground and all we've worked for is on the line" Harry says.

"Get rid of Don then?" Edward suggests.

"You know thats difficult Ed, it's my only option though, we just need to make sure it's done right" Harry says.

"And Lou?" Drew asks carefully

"They didn't threaten his life, they don't want to kill him, they threatened to expose him to everything, the drug rings the sex rings, they didn't say it, but I can see through their plans, they want to sell him, kidnap him and sell him. I'd never be able to find him if that happened" Harry says worriedly

"Then we will build our alliances and take them down Haz, they won't take him, we will monitor the rings closely put more men inside" Edward says.

"And when Louis finds out about every aspect of what we do?' Harry says.

"Tell him first Harry, before they do" Drew says.

"He had a panic attack when I got him to the car Haz" Edward tells Harry.

"I don't want to put him through this" Harry says,

"Is Jake going to be an issue?" Edward asks.

"I want to say no but I know they have a plan, I just need to know how to be one step in front, Jake knows a lot about Louis and that's going to be an advantage to them" Harry says.

"We will be one step ahead Haz" Drew says.

"I know you will boys, I know we will, let's just get this sorted, Louis doesn't deserve any of this" Harry says.

"We're onto it" Edward says.

Harry sighs, he pulls Louis closer and kisses his head, maybe it is time for Harry to have that talk with the government, start the process of getting out and giving it all up......Louis is what's important right now and that he can't compromise on,

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