Part 25

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"Uhhhh" Louis whimpers.

"You're okay, relax Cub, I'm here" Harry says as Louis wakes again from a restless sleep

"Daddy" Louis whispers as he tries to open his eyes,

"Just rest darling, you need your rest to get better" Harry says stroking Louis hair.

"Immmm not comfy" Louis whines, his eyes still shut.

Harry can't help but smile at his boy.

"Well we can't have that now can we Cub" Harry says lovingly.

Harry stayed with Louis pressed to his chest for eight hours, before he had to wee and eat. Louis has been sleeping soundly beside him for the last three hours. The boys have taken up solace on the floor with mattresses, all just watching Louis, no one has slept much, Harry not at all and he won't for the next few days, until he knows Louis is okay. The boys know and respect his decision and have been making sure to keep Harry fed and watered. Harry is used to no sleep, the job requires it a lot of the time so it's nothing knew to him and he doesn't want to waist a single second of being with Louis, even if Louis is asleep for most of it.

Louis eyes finally flick open and he sees Harry, hovering over him lying on his side smiling widely. Harry is stroking his hair and Louis gets so emotional that tears stream down his face.

"Nooo baby, don't cry" Harry says as he thumbs Louis tears away.

"I.....I love you, I'm sorry" Louis chokes out.

"I love you too Cub, so much, so so much" Harry says as he kisses Louis forehead.

"I feel so sick Harry" Louis whispers and Harry can hear the fear in his voice and sense it in his body.

"I know, it's okay, I'm here okay" Harry says.

"Thank you for staying with me" Louis manages.

"Forever cub, I'm here, I won't ever leave you" Harry says seriously.

They share a moment before The boys are walking into the room.

"Hey kiddo" they say softly as they sit on the bed around Harry and Louis.

"Hi" Louis smiles as best he can.

"Can you sit up for us Darling, we have to get some water and food into you" Harry says gently.

Louis doesn't protest this time, he knows this is serious, not to the extent Harry does but he can feel his body is not coping with this infection and he needs to trust the boys and Harry.

Louis tries to sit up, he's weak though and Harry gently helps him,

"Good boy Cub" Harry says.

Harry sits behind Louis and pulls Louis against his chest.

"Can you drink this Lou" Edward asks as he brings a glass of water to Louis dry lips.

"Small sips bud" Edward says and Louis drinks small sips until the whole glass is gone.

"Good job kiddo" Scott says.

"So good for us darling" Harry says

"We've got some soup for you too Lou" Drew says as he brings the bowl up.

Louis nods knowing he has to eat it.

The boys all beam at him and Drew starts feeding Louis a few mouthfuls.

"You're doing so well Lou" Edward says.

Louis has six mouthfuls all together before he can't stomach anymore. The boys don't push him on it though, he's done so well.

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