Part 4

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"Boss" Jax says as Louis enters the kitchen downstairs.

Harry looks around and the sight of Louis makes him weak. Louis has been asleep for fifteen hours, his body exhausted. Harry thinks he looks adorable in his clothes, them falling off him in all the right ways. He looks sick though.

"Louis" Harry says and he sounds slightly relieved.

Louis looks to Harry scared. Harry goes over to Louis and kneels down in front of him.

"Louis, we aren't going to hurt you okay, you're safe here now. I won't lock you up again, you have my absolute word" Harry says.

Louis looks at Harry and nods in understanding.

"My dad isn't coming back, so what are you going to do with me if you're not going to kill me?" Louis asks, his voice husky from soreness and sleep.

"Edward and Drew are going to take you home now, I'm letting you leave" Harry tells him sincerely.

Louis is relieved he isn't going to be hurt, relieved Harry is not going to kill him but what's he got to go back to? Nothing , a dodgy old apartment that's falling to pieces. His father is gone, Louis has no one. He can't stay here though, with Harry. As much as he feels something towards Harry, it's confusing and Harry is so scary, intimidating and dangerous.

Louis nods in response again.

Harry gets up and organises a few things before Louis is being sent off. Harry doesn't ask for the clothes he lent Louis back and as Louis is about to walk outside to the car he's stopped.

"Listen cub, I'm sorry we had to meet like this, I'm sorry I had to do what I did to you, but I had no choice" Harry says.

Louis knows it's going to take him a while to get over the trauma of what happened to him, he's just grateful he's still alive. Harry did have a choice though and that gets Louis angry.

"Yes you did, but whatever helps you sleep at night" Louis says.

Harry is surprised at Louis slight outburst.

"Here" Harry says holding out his card for Louis.

Louis takes it questioningly .

"If you ever need me" Harry says.

Louis scoffs and throws the card back at Harry.

"I doubt I'll need anything from someone who wanted to kill me" Louis says and then he's in the back of the car leaving a stunned Harry behind.

The car ride is silent, apart from the directions Louis gives Drew and Edward. Louis is dropped off out the front of his dodgy apartment building. Drew and Edward keep in their disgust at the sight of the place.

"See ya round kiddo" Edward says sincerely.

"I highly doubt that" Louis says tiredly.

Edward just smirks at him in response.

"Be good" Drew tells him.

Louis sighs and exits the car, he makes his way up the first flight of stairs to the front door of the apartment, he notices the car hasn't left yet and is waiting for him to get inside. Louis finds the spare key under the mat and opens the door, he makes sure he locks the door behind him and watches out the window as the car speeds off down the street.

Louis sighs and turns around, leaning against the door, he looks at the small lonely apartment. The room is the size of Harry's small basement, with one small single mattress in the corner, white walls with paint peeling off them and a small Kitchenette. The toilet is in a small room off to the side with a small shower inside. Louis has no fridge or microwave and has very little clothing. His dad gave him what he could and Louis assumed he was trying his hardest to provide for him but now he knows it was all bullshit. His dad was obviously living the high life somewhere else and leaving Louis to rot. Louis knows he will have to get a job after school to keep up the rent on the place, he'll have to think of ways to find food too.

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