Part 18

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The slow beeping of the life support machine is driving Harry crazy, he hasn't left Louis side since he came in three days ago. The bullet was lodged in Louis side, rupturing his spleen and causing massive internal bleeding. Louis is lucky he pulled through surgery. Harry is a mess and he can't cope with his emotions. If Louis doesn't respond in the next 24 hours, Harry will have to make the decision to pull Louis life support and let him go. He can't deal with it, he can't lose Louis.

Edward and Drew have been standing guard at the hospital door for the last three days too, no one has left and no one wants to, it's a solemn atmosphere and everyone is raw with emotion. Louis means so much to them all and the thought of losing him hits hard.

"Haz, I brought you some food" Edward says as he comes into the room, placing the bag on the table next to the door.

"Thanks" Harry whispers, not taking his eyes off Louis.

It's silent as Edward grabs a chair and sits next to Harry, Louis looks so small on the bed, tubes everywhere and one down his throat, breathing for him. Even if he does survive, it will be a painful and long recovery for him but the boys don't care about any of that they just want Louis to be awake and talking and being his sassy self.

"I did this to him" Harry says quietly.

"No, his dad did this to him" Edward says.

"If he wasn't with me, if I had of stayed away he would be okay" Harry says.

"No Harry, you protected him from the streets he would have been captured and tortured long ago if it wasn't for you, you cannot blame yourself" Edward says.

"If he comes back to me I want to let him go, let him live a normal life away from me, somewhere where I can't hurt him" Harry says.

Edward sighs.

"When Louis comes back to you Haz, he is going to need you, he's going to need your love and support to get through this, you can't abandon him now" Edward says.

Harry doesn't respond, he doesn't agree with Edward, he is convinced Louis would be better off away from him.

Harry turns to Louis and squeezes his hand harder.

"Little cub, please, remember what you promised me, you promised you would never leave me, promised you would come back to me......please darling....please" Harry says and Edward sheds a tear at Harry's vulnerability and openness.

Two seconds later, Louis monitor starts beeping like crazy, Harry and Edward are on their feet instantly

"Louis?" Harry asks worriedly.

Two nurses then rush into the room, they make their way over as Louis starts choking on the tube in his mouth.

"Is he okay?" Harry asks.

"This is a good sign, don't worry, it means Louis is breathing on his own now, we just need to remove the tube" one of the nurses says kindly.

"Louis, I need you to relax, we're going to take the tube out now, so you can breathe, it's okay" the other nurse says as she quickly removes the tube and Louis stops choking and his breathing goes back to normal.

"He's okay?" Harry confirms.

"We just need him to wake up now, he's doing great, this is a turning point and means he's coming out of his coma, talk to him more, he will come back soon" the nurse says.

They check Louis vitals and leave the room.

Harry sighs in relief as Edward claps him on the back.

"Thank fuck" Harry says

"See, he is keeping his promise, he loves you Haz, he will come back to you" Edward says smiling.

They both get comfortable and settle down to wait for Louis to open his eyes.


Louis eyes feel like led as he struggles to open them, he can hear a horrid beeping sound, his side is sore and it's like a blinding pain that won't let up.

"Uhhh" he whimpers.

"You're okay cub just relax" Louis hears

Louis breathing gets quicker as he registers the pain.

"Relax your breathing Lou, there is pain relief coming, you're going to be okay, just breathe" Harry's voice tells Louis.

Louis doesn't understand, what's going on, why is he so sore and why is Harry telling him to relax, he can't, the pain is so intense. Maybe Harry isn't real.

"Harry?" Louis says shakily, his eyes are so heavy.

"Darling it's me, open your eyes baby" Louis hears Harry say gently.

He then feels Harry's hands in his hair, carding through gently.

Louis opens his eyes slowly and is met with Harry's gorgeous smile and teary green eyes.

"Haz" Louis chokes.

"Yeah little cub, it's me, God I've missed you" Harry says as he kisses Louis on the head.

"It hurts" Louis says, his voice strained.

"I know it does, I'm so sorry cub" Harry says.

"What happened?" Louis asks confused as he notices his surroundings and the hospital room, drips attached to him everywhere.

Harry sighs.

"You were shot darling, you're lucky to be here, it was serious Lou, we almost lost you" Harry says.

Louis goes quiet, trying to take it all in, he was shot? He doesn't really remember much.

"Am I at your place?" Louis wonders.

"No, you're in hospital, we didn't have time to get you back there, we needed an ambulance and this hospital was closer.

"Can....can I go home? Please? I don't want to be here" Louis panics.

"Relax darling, you can't go home, you need to stay here and get better, I promise I won't leave your side" Harry says sincerely, looking Louis in the eyes.

"I'm scared, it hurts and I'm scared" Louis says, tears in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry, cub, I'm so sorry, I'm here now I promise I won't let anything happen to you while I'm here, you're safe" Harry says.

Louis cries and Harry slips into bed next to him and holds his boy tightly. He's so fucking grateful Louis is okay but the guilt is eating him up, seeing Louis like this kills him and it's all his fault. Harry knows what he needs to do, his priority is Louis and Louis safely and Harry will do whatever it takes to make sure his boy is okay.

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