Part Nine

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Louis wakes up alone, he's clean and redressed in sweats and Harry's sweater, he's sore but can't help but blush as he thinks of the events that just occurred, Harry was so loving and gentle with Louis, Louis is definitely falling hard, although something in the back of his mind is warning him to be careful, especially after Harry lost his shit yesterday without letting Louis explain.

Louis makes his way out of bed, limping a little at the soreness, he walks carefully downstairs, its quiet. He makes his way to the kitchen where he sees Harry and the boys gathered in the corner discussing something, they look extremely unnerved and worried. Louis has never seen Harry like that, he's usually scary and intimidating towards everyone and now he's showing venerability which scares Louis a little.

"Harry" Louis says cutely, he doesn't want to be in trouble for eaves dropping again.

Harry and the boys turn to Louis.

"Darling" Harry says lovingly.

He makes his way over to Louis and picks him up effortlessly. Louis is so small compared to Harry. Louis snuggles into Harry's neck.

"Okay?" Harry asks, kissing Louis in the head.

Louis nods as Harry places him in the counter and places his hands either side of Louis thighs.

"Is everything okay?" Louis asks looking between all the boys and Harry.

"Fine little cub, absolutely nothing for you to worry about" Harry says.

Louis doesn't miss the worried look Harry gives the other boys, though he chooses to stay quiet.

"Now, dinner for you, you must be starving" Harry says, knowing he didn't get to feed Louis before their love making session,

"I'm okay" Louis smiles.

Harry smirks at Louis, kisses his head and goes to the fridge to get out the dinner he made, he places some on a plate for Louis and heats it up.

The other boys all make their way into the lounge to watch a movie, they've all eaten, Louis must have slept through dinner.

Harry sets Louis dinner on the island bench and picks Louis up and places him on the stool, Harry holds in his fond grin at the fact Louis feet are nowhere near the ground. Harry takes up the chair next to Louis after he's gotten Louis a glass of water.

"Eat cub" Harry instructs.

Louis picks up his fork and digs into the meal, it's lasagna and smells so good. Louis isn't used to eating much though.

"Good?" Harry asks.

"Yeah, it's really good" Louis says thankfully, he doesn't remember eating something that tasted this good before.

Harry smiles and brushes Louis cheek with his thumb, just taking in how beautiful Louis really is.

"You're staring" Louis says with a hint of sass, using Harry's own words back at him.

Harry smirks.

"Who wouldn't" Harry says and Louis blushes. Harry laughs and kisses Louis head.

Louis puts his fork down then and drinks his water, he's had enough food but Harry isn't happy.

"You're not leaving the table until that's finished cub" Harry says pointedly,

"I'm not hungry anymore Harry" Louis says pushing his plate away.

"Louis, seriously, The only thing I've seen you eat ever, is a bit of toast, why aren't you hungry?" Harry questions.

"I just...I, not used to eating so much at once I guess" Louis shrugs,

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