Part 13

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What are you doing out of bed?" Drew asks Louis as he steps into the kitchen

"I'm bored and none of you care" Louis pouts.

Louis been in bed for a week and his injuries are healing nicely, his chest isn't though and he's supposed to be staying in bed.

"Sorry kid, we've been working lots today" Scott says as he chops vegetables.

"Harry will have our heads for not putting you back to bed" Edward says

"Edwarddddd" Louis whines.

"Alright, alright, the things we do for you" Edward chuckles as he comes over and lifts Louis up under the arms and places him on he counter with ease.

Louis smiles and steals a piece of capsicum and the boys smile at him.

"How are you feeling" Drew asks seriously.

"I'm okay, just a bit sore" Louis says

"How your chest?" Scott asks.

Louis shrugs, it's been really tight and hard to breathe but Louis won't admit it.

The boys shake their heads.

"You have no socks on your feel Louis" Edward then points out.

"I don't like socks" Louis pouts.

"Well it doesn't matter, you know the rules" Edward says pointedly.

"Where's Harry you're no fun" Louis says crossing his arms across his chest.

The boys laugh.

"He took Jax out for some patrols, he will be back soon" Scott says.

Louis thinks that's weird, why would Harry go out on the streets with Jax?

"Now, can you please put some socks on?" Drew asks.

"I don't like them Drew!" Louis says.

"Darling, are you being difficult?" Harry asks smirking as he waltzes in the kitchen looking amazingly hot.

"I'm never difficult" Louis smiles at Harry.

Harry laughs, he loves his boy.

"Come on cub, you need to go back to bed" Harry says.

"Please no Harry, let me eat dinner with you all please!" Louis asks begging.

"Louis" Harry says seriously.

"Please" Louis tries.

Harry sighs.

"Socks on your feet and you need another jumper" Harry says as he goes to the connected laundry and finds a pair of his socks and Louis favourite red jumper that belongs to Harry and is miles to big for Louis.

Louis smiles as Harry puts his socks on and his jumper over his head.

"I love you" Louis says.

Harry beams at Louis.

"I love you too cub" Harry says and kisses him on the nose.


"Louis, please don't argue with me" Andy says as the boys are cleaning up dinner.

Louis didn't eat much and Andy and Harry aren't happy, Louis needs to eat more in order to help him heal and he needs to be back in bed and resting.

"I'm not arguing, I just don't want to go back up there"'Louis says.

"You're going back to bed cub, lets go" Harry says.

"I'm lonely up there, I just want to be with you all" Louis says upset as he get up and leaves the dining room in a huff.

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