Part 44

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Louis makes it to his and Harry's room and runs through to the bathroom, he leans on the sink and catches his breath, why is this so hard, he feels like shit and can't get the unease out of his mind. He knows the boys and Harry would never, ever harm him but after what happened he doesn't know how he's going to go back to normal. What if the boys don't know themselves that something is wrong with the food or drink they give him. Louis starts to tear up then, he can't do this right now, he feels so weak and is so sick of feeling like he has to watch his back all the time.

He hears Harry walk into the bathroom and come up behind him, Harry's strong arms sneak around his waist and he feels Harry's hot breath in his ear.

"Relax darling boy, slow deep breaths for daddy, I'm here" Harry says.

His comfort is exactly what Louis needs and craves and he turns around to let Harry take over and comfort him. Harry's soft touches and words of reassurance and encouragement have Louis submitting to him instantly.

"Good boy Cub, that's my good boy" Harry says.

He picks Louis up like a child and carries him back to the bedroom, he places Louis on the bed but Louis won't let him go.

"Cub, I'm not going anywhere just yet, I need you to let me go though, I promise I'm not leaving yet" Harry says.

Louis whimpers but let's Harry go, he then rolls over facing away from Harry.

"Darling, we need to talk about this" Harry says gently as he sits on the bed next to Louis, he reaches out and swipes His fingers through Louis hair.

"I don't want to" Louis whispers.

"What do you want to happen cub? How do you expect to not eat and drink?" Harry asks his tone remaining kind.

"I.....I don't know but I don't want to eat or drink" Louis says on the verge of tears.

"Do you think I'm going to sit back and let you do this to yourself? You think I'm going to let the love of my life, my partner, my everything, put themselves through this?" Harry asks.

Louis sighs,

"I'm scared, I know you wouldn't ever hurt me, I know that, I love you, but I'm scared, someone hates me so much they would find a way to get to me and what if they poison me without anyone knowing it's in the food" Louis says.

"Darling, I promise you, we're doing everything to make sure that doesn't happen. I'm not letting this go and I'm not letting who was responsible get away with this. I promise I'm handling it" Harry reassures,

Louis is relieved to hear this from Harry and slightly relaxes. Andy then walks into the room and Louis knows he's in for a lecture.

"Hey kiddo" Andy says and Louis whispers a quiet hey.

"Look, I'm just going to tell you what's going to happen if you refuse food and water, I'll sedate you and feed you via a tube in your throat and you'll have no say in any of it" Andy says,

Louis looks at him slightly scared.

"It's normal to be scared Lou, but even if something was put in your food I'm here and there is nothing I can't fix" Andy reassures.

Louis knows it's a lie but he's thankful for it. Louis knows he can't not eat and drink forever but he will just have to limit his food and drink and find a way to eat again, Louis just sighs in response, he's tired and just wants to sleep.

Andy and Harry look st each other, they know their words have made an Impact and now they just have to wait for it to sink in for Louis. They will give him a few hours before they step in.

"I've got to go to work now cub, I'll be back on a few hours" Harry whispers to Louis.

"What? No! Harry please don't go" Louis says upset.

Harry sighs.

"Darling, I have to, I'm so sorry, I'll make it up to you I promise" Harry responds.

Louis knows Harry has to work but he can't help feel neglected, he hates it and then feels guilty he feels this way. He never wants to make Harry feel guilty for working but it's upsetting how much he does work.

"K" Louis says defeatedly

Harry kisses Louis head and him and Andy walk out talking about him, Louis huffs, he knows he will be back in a few hours to try to make him eat. It makes him panic a little but he tries not to let it get in his head. He needs to sleep and hopefully when he wakes up he will feel better.

"Haz, he's to thin and if he gets any more thin, he's going to be in real trouble" Andy says.

Harry looks at Andy worriedly.

"What kind of troubled?" Harry questions.

"His body will shut down, Liver failure, kidney failure, we can't let it go further" Andy says pointedly.

Harry sighs, Louis shouldn't be put in this position, his poor cub is struggling and it's all his fault. Harry just wants Louis happy and healthy, he needs to find a way to get Louis to eat again.

"What should we do?" Harry asks Andy.

"I have a few ideas, let me come back in a few hours and we will try them out okay" Andy says.

"Okay, I'll be back in three hours" Harry says.

"See you then" Andy smiles.

"Andy" Harry calls as Andy starts walking off.

"Yeah boss?" Andy asks,

"He'll be okay right?" Harry asks

"I'll make sure if it Haz" Andy replies and Harry's nerves are settled.

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