Part 27

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Harry lays Louis gently down on the bed, he kisses him, using his tongue to expertly open up Louis mouth and explore. Louis tastes of mint toothpaste and a hint of honey and Harry can't get enough. Louis submits instantly to Harry's dominance and lets him roam his mouth.

Harry pulls back, his eyes lust filled and hazy.

"Do you trust me cub?" Harry asks sexily.

"Yes daddy" Louis whispers.

"I want to try something, if you're uncomfortable at any point or want me to stop, you tell me, understand.

"Yes I understand" Louis says.

Harry smirks and he leans in again to claim Louis mouth, he works effortlessly to undress them both, hardly breaking contact with Louis lips. Louis puts his hands in Harry's hair, pulling ever so slightly as small whimpers make their way out of his mouth,

Harry brings his lips to Louis ear and sucks, causing small puffs of air out of Louis mouth, before he moans loudly. Harry continues down Louis neck and across both his nipples, sucking softly on each one causing Louis to arch off the bed, his nipples are so sensitive and Harry loves teasing his boy.

Harry makes his way to Louis hard, leaking cock. He starts teasingly licking up and down Louis length

"Ughhhh, ughhh" Louis whines, Harry's touches are like fire to his body, Louis feels amazingly hot and fuzzy.

"Mmmmmm, taste so good cub" Harry whispers.

Louis moans at Harry's words. Suddenly Harry is gone and Louis feels cold.

"Daddy?" He calls.

"Right here cub, just relax like a good boy for me, I'll be right back" Harry says.

Louis evens his breathing out, his body is hot and he wants Harry so badly, he's so turned on just by Harry's touches. He loves how Harry takes control of him and knows how to take care if him.

Harry comes back into the room, all muscles and intimidating demeanour, Louis knows he's going to get dark Harry and his breath hitches. Louis notices Harry has a rope and a piece of long black material in his hands.

Harry smirks at Louis wide eyes.

"Hands" Harry says with no room for argument.

Louis listens immediately and puts his hands together in front of himself, Harry uses the rope to tie his hands tightly together.

"Sit up" Harry then commands and Louis does.

Harry makes his way slowly behind Louis, touching him lightly, Louis breathing picks up, he's scared, turned on and excited all at the same time. Harry leans down to Louis ear when he's behind him, his breath ghosting over his skin.

"Open your mouth" he says and the dark velvety tone of Harry's voice makes Louis want to come right then and there. Louis does as he's asked.

Harry then puts the piece of material inside Louis mouth and ties it at the back of his head. Effectively gagging him.

"When I first met you cub, you were tied up so prettily for me, you look so beautiful gagged and at my mercy. Your every sound is at my control, you rely solely on me for pleasure and pain and most of all you need to trust me to protect you while you're most vulnerable" Harry says softly into Louis ear.

Louis closes his eyes and listens to Harry's voice, completely at his daddy's Mercy.

"I love hearing you moan my name behind a gag, I love how submissive you are, you're all mine like this cub and you're going to do what you're asked" Harry says.

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