Part 11

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Louis wakes two hours later, his watch reads 7am. He left his phone on the bedside table at Harry's. Louis decides to go to school, at least it's warm and he can hide out in the bathrooms, maybe get locked in tonight so he doesn't have to face another night in the alleyway.

He gets to school and his clothes are a little more dry but he's chilled to the bone and freezing. Jake and his friends are out the front of the school, they push Louis around and laugh at him a little but nothing more. Finally he makes it inside the school to the warmth. He heads to the bathroom and he doesn't plan on coming out all day, he'll camp here for as long as possible, he needs to figure out a plan and what he's going to do.

Louis thinks Harry won't want Him after he ran away from him, Louis thinks he's broken Harry's trust by running, he should have let Harry explain. He loves Harry and just wants his safe arms around him, Harry's job is something Louis is going to have to get used to if he wants to be with him and he's willing to try. Maybe he can stop Harry killing people. Louis remembers Harry saying he only killed bad people, only cleaned the streets up and Louis really wants to believe him but then.....he was going to kill Louis, wouldn't of hesitated and Louis is just a kid who's done nothing to anybody. Louis wishes Harry did kill him, wishes he didn't have to deal with all this pain in his heart and body. His nose is starting to run again and his chest is wheezy from being in the rain, Andy would have his neck if he was back at Harry's.

Louis sighs and sits in the corner of the bathroom, he doesn't move and he doesn't get disturbed all day, until last class when Jake and his friends stumble in laughing. They notice Louis immediately.

"Well, look who it is" Jake laughs out.

"Hiding are we?" One of the others says.

Louis stands up and goes to grab his bag, he'll find another place to hide out. He's grabbed though and punched straight in the jaw.

"Do not walk away from us you faggot" Jason spits. He pushes Louis against the wall and starts laying into him, hard.

Louis whimpers and tries to shield himself but someone comes up behind him and grabs his arms, placing them behind his back. Louis struggles but he's kicked and punched in the stomach and ribs over and over.

"We told you if you didn't get our dealer back we would make you pay" Jake spits.

Louis is in so much pain he's going to pass out in a minute, he tries to fight back and when he's pushed to the ground he manages to get to his feet quickly and run for the door, he opens it and takes off not looking back and not caring that he left his backpack in the toilet. He can hear he's being chased, the hallways are empty so no one is around to help. Louis body is aching and he's in so much pain but he pushes through it. He makes it to the front of the school and pushes the door open, he runs down the stairs and he's tackled to the ground when he reaches the last step.

He's rolled onto his back and gets a fist to the face from Jason.

"Get off" Louis screams out as he tries his best to get Jason off him

"You're going to get what you deserve" Jason says evilly.

Louis continues to fight even though he's badly hurt.

"Get off me" Louis continues pushing trying to push Jason off.

Jake then comes over and lands a swift kick to Louis ribs causing him to cry out.

Suddenly Jason is pulled off him and tossed to the ground.

Louis stands up quickly, he needs to get away, his body is protesting and he just wants to collapse.

"Don't you ever fucking touch him again" Edwards voice sounds as he pushes Jason harshly.

Jason stumbles back and Jake grabs him and they run. Louis then notices Scott and Drew standing next to Edward they are looking intimidating as shit. Drew grabs one of the other boys in Jake's group as he tries to run away too.

"Listen here you little shit, let your friends know that Louis is off limits, any of you even breathe next to him and you're dead" Drew says viciously. The boy nods, Drew let's him go and he runs with his friends.

Louis is standing trying to get his breath back, he feels like shit, he's so thankful the boys showed up but he's scared, he's hurt and he just wants Harry.

"Lou" Scott says gently as he turns to face Louis.

Louis breathing harshly, they slowly step forward but Louis steps back.

"It's okay kiddo, we aren't going to hurt you, we'd never, ever hurt you" Drew reassures.

"We need to look at you Lou, we need to get you to Andy you're hurt pretty bad bud" Edward says sympathetically.

Louis shakes his head.

"Come on kiddo, you know we won't hurt you, let us look after you now, we've all been worried sick about you" Scott says.

"Harry's been going mental without you Lou, he needs you, we need you" Edward says.

Louis doesn't know what to do, he misses the boys and Harry and it's only been one night.

"Where's Harry, I......I want Harry" Louis chokes out.

"I'm right here cub" Louis hears from behind.

He turns around to see Harry coming hurriedly towards him. He's wearing his signature black shirt undone to his chest, his hair styled in a quiff and black skinny jeans and boots. He's utterly gorgeous but he looks like he hasn't slept a wink.

Louis hurries forward as best he can and collapses in Harry's strong arms. He then breaks completely.

"Harry" Louis chokes,

"It's okay baby, I'm here I've got you" Harry tells Louis gently.

Harry is so so fucking thankful to have Louis back in his arms safe that he lets his guard down, let's his emotions get to him and he holds Louis tightly and kisses his head in affection. He doesn't hang around though as the school bell rings, he picks Louis up like a child and the boys shield them as they get to the car. By the time they are sitting safely inside Louis has passed out and no one spotted the two figures lurking in the black car parked in the car park watching the entire scene.

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