Part 40

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"Woah Lou, you must have hit him pretty hard" Andy says as he takes the bandage off Louis right hand.

"Well, he....deserved it" Louis pouts.

They are sitting in the lounge room on the couch as Andy looks at Louis hand, Harry smiles fondly at Louis.

"Well, you may have actually broken your hand" Andy says.

"What?? Great, I am just weak" Louis huffs upset.

"You're not weak Louis, you just hit him really hard" Andy chuckles.

"Darling you're not weak just because you've never hit someone before, that makes you more strong as a person" Harry tells him.

"Not if it's because I can't fight back, I don't know how" Louis says.

"You shouldn't need to know how and by the looks of Jake's face you sure know how to punch" Harry chuckles.

Louis looks at Harry and smiles slightly.

"We will have to wait until the swelling completely goes down before we can tell if it's broken, but I'll treat it like it is, I'll brace it" Andy says.

Louis sighs as Andy works on his hand, this is completely crap, he's been suspended for three days and has a broken hand all because Jake is an asshole, Louis bets he didn't get suspended.

"Did Jake get in trouble too?" Louis asks turning to Harry.

Harry sighs.

"No, just a warning" Harry tells Louis.

"That's not fair" Louis says defeatedly, he knows it was wrong if him to hit Jake but Jake should have gotten in trouble too.

"I know darling" Harry says sympathetically.

"There you go, all done" Andy smiles as he finishes Louis hand.

"Thanks" Louis says.

"Just don't go punching anyone for a while okay" Andy winks and Louis rolls his eyes.

Harry starts talking to Andy about what to do and how to treat Louis hand and Louis tunes out, he gets up to go to the kitchen, he wants to find the boys. He walks in to find all the boys huddled around Dan's phone loudly yelling and laughing at it.

"Play it again!" Edward laughs.

Dan does something to the screen and they all laugh.

"Wait for it, wait for it" Drew says.

"BAM!!! He goes down!!!" Drew hollers loudly.

All the boys holler and laugh rowdily.

"What are you watching?" Louis asks innocently.

The boys all stop and look towards Louis.

"Just how awesome you were at taking Jake down" Scott laughs.

"What?" Louis asks confused.

"You hit him so hard Lou, it was classic" Edward says laughing.

Louis smiles as Dan shows him the footage he caught of Louis punching Jake. Louis can't believe it was actually him, Jake went down like a sack of bricks.

"Okay enough encouraging him thank you!" Harry's stern voice comes from the doorway.

"Oh come on boss, it was epic" Drew says.

"Mmmm, even so, its gotten Louis three days of suspension and an aggravated school dean, not to mention who Jake and Jason will be off winging too" Harry says.

"You're right sorry Harry" Edward says.

Harry smiles and nods.

"Let me see it one last time though" Harry smirks as the boys cheer and bring the phone over.

Louis can't help the small smile on his face. He leaves the kitchen though as they boys play the video over and over, Harry is right, it's nothing to be proud of and Jake and Jason will be all over Don about it. Louis is sure he's dug his own grave, Harry doesn't seem too concerned though which is relieving, although, Harry is good at hiding things from Louis too, especially when it comes to how much danger Louis is in.

When he gets to the bedroom Louis notices his phone has a text message from Noah.

"Hey Lou, drinks tonight at Nicks?" It reads.

Louis smiles, he knows he probably won't be able to come out, but he will ask Harry anyway.

Louis texts back

"I'll check"

He then pockets his phone and makes his way out of the bedroom, he can still hear the boys wallowing in the kitchen, he makes his way in again and sees them all making lunch.

"Harry" Louis asks.

Harry is sitting on the bar stool at the bench. He smiles and opens his arms for Louis to crawl into.

"I know that tone, you want something" Harry smirks.

The boys smile fondly at Louis.

"Well,......maybe" Louis blushes.

"Maybe? Mmmm and do you think you deserve something after being suspended for fighting?" Harry asks fondly.

Louis thinks about it for a second,

"Yes, I do, because I took the initiative and stood up for myself" Louis says back matter of factly.

The boys chuckle.

"So you did cub, but you still have a punishment waiting, so I'll ask again, do you think you deserve what you're asking for?" Harry says

Louis sighs and looks down, he shakes his head no as an answer, he knows he shouldn't have hit Jake.

"No?" Harry asks,

"No daddy, I guess I don't deserve it" Louis says.

Louis goes to get off Harry's lap but Harry stops him.

"Hold up a second, I haven't said yes or no, I was asking you a question" Harry says.

"But, I don't deserve it so I'm not going to ask" Louis says.

Harry smiles fondly and strokes Louis fringe off his forehead.

"What is it you want darling" Harry asks.

"N,nothing it's okay" Louis says.

"Cub" Harry says warningly.

Louis sighs.

"Noah asked me to come for drinks tonight at Nicks" Louis says.

"Did he now?" Harry says.

"Mmm" Louis replies, biting his lip.

"Boys, change of plans tonight, we're going to Nicks and I'm going to spend time with my cub" Harry smiles.

Louis smiles so big in response and it melts Harry's heart. He's so excited to spend a few hours out with Harry, they can be a normal couple for once.

Inside Harry is worried, he knows how much Don is seething from Louis punching Jake but Harry knows how to protect his Cub, he deserves to go out for a while, Harry just hopes Jake and Don don't turn up.

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