Part 24

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Harry carries Louis up the stairs, Louis body is shaking.

"Cub, what were you doing out of bed, you're not well, you can hardly stay awake" Harry says kindly.

"I had a nightmare and had to see who was calling me" Louis whispers.

"Next time call for me, I'm always here for you darling" Harry says.

"Daddy" Louis whispers into Harry's neck as he grips Harry tightly.

"Daddy's right here cub" Harry says reassuringly.

Harry makes it back to their bedroom and places Louis down on the bed, he changes himself into sweats and a T-shirt

Louis is looking extremely out of it and sick, Harry is really concerned so he calls Andy whose quick to meet them both in the bedroom.

"Hey there Louis, how are you feeling?" Andy asks sympathetically.

"Sick, I feel sick, please make it stop" Louis says.

He curls over onto his side, he feels so weak and light headed, even lying down.

"Your infection is really bad Lou, that's why you're feeling so lousy" Andy tells him.

"You had me so worried cub, you completely blacked out on me before" Harry says as he sits against the headboard and brings Louis between his legs so his back is resting against Harry's strong chest.

Andy takes Louis temperature and doesn't like what he sees, he takes his vitals and quickly turns serious.

"Haz, I'm not liking this one bit, this is really serious, if we don't get on top of this quickly..." Andy trails off.

"What?" Harry asks his body going stiff understanding what Andy is saying.

"Look, he's got to start responding to the antibiotics, I'm going to put a drip in and the next 48 hours are crucial, if Louis doesn't start responding to the antibiotics and his temp doesn't go down.....there isn't much more I can do" Andy says worriedly.

Harry is quiet trying to take Andy's words in, he thought Louis was okay, was passed the danger, he knows he has to control himself though, knows he has to pull himself together and be there for Louis, he can't push him away and he can't lose him. Harry pulls Louis closer to his chest, lost in his thoughts.

"I think...I'm gunna spew" Louis says, he's so lethargic it's scary.

Andy grabs a bucket and Louis vomits into it, Louis hates throwing up and he starts to panic a little, he feels so sick and weak and he doesn't know what to do.

Andy takes the bucket from Louis when he's finished and strokes his hair.

"It's okay, relax Lou, it's normal to throw up just relax.... we've got you" Andy says.

Louis didn't realise he was crying, he can't breathe properly he's panicking, he knows it, but he can't stop it.

"Breathe darling, breathe for me. Take some deep breaths you're okay" Harry tells him gently.

Louis can't though, he has a full blown panic attack and it's so scary for Harry to watch.

"Darling please, I've got you, I'm here, I won't let anything happen to you" Harry tries.

He spins Louis around and lies him over his body, so Louis is on top of him, his head in Harry's neck. Harry grips The back of Louis head and holds him round the waist comforting him.

"Shhhhhhh, I'm here... I'm here... just breathe" Harry says.

Louis feels so safe in Harry's arms like this, he starts to relax, his body is just so done.

"That's it Cub, good boy, good boy" Harry says.

Finally Louis passes out and Harry and Andy sigh relieved.

"Andy, please, I'm begging you, please fix him, I can't do this again" Harry says venerably to the quiet room.

"I know boss, I'll do my best" Andy says.

Andy then proceeds to put a drip in Louis, give him antibiotics, oxygen and medicine for his temperature.

"What happens now?" Harry asks.

Andy sighs.

"We wait" Andy says sympathetically.

Harry looks like he's close to tears.

"I think, he needs you with him Harry, don't leave his side in the next couple of days, if he knows you're here, it might help him" Andy says seriously.

"I...don't think I could leave him even if I had too, I won't let him go" Harry says.

Andy nods and gets his kit together, ready to leave.

"Can you get the boys to come up?" Harry then asks Andy.

"Of course, I'll be in my room, call if you need, I'll be back in a few hours to check on him" Andy says smiling.

"Thank you Andy" Harry says sincerely.

Andy nods and walks out.

Harry then turns his full attention on Louis, whose still snuggled on top of him,

"Cub, you can do this, you can pull through, I know you can and when you do, I'm going to spoil you rotten, anything you want darling, it's yours, anywhere you want to go, we will go. I will give it all up for you Cub, I need you so much" Harry says as he kisses Louis head.

"Boss?" Harry hears from the doorway.

He looks up at his trusted men, they all love Louis so much and he now has to tell them how bad this is.

"Boys" Harry says as he wipes his eyes trying to be discreet but they notice

"Is Louis okay?" Edward asks as they make their way into the room and stand around the bed.

"It's.....Andy said it's bad" Harry says.

"You mean?" Drew asks.

"Yeah, 48 hours, he's got 48 hours to respond before there is nothing we can do" Harry says, keeping his voice surprisingly steady.

"But" Scott says, he doesn't finish his sentence he's upset.

"He will be okay, I know it" George says.

They all sit on the bed with each other in silence, they can't believe how much this actually hurts. Louis came into their lives so unexpectedly, meant so much to them in such a short time. Made the toughest men of the underground feel and that speaks volumes on Louis and his cheeky, sassy, innocent personality. The job they all do is so ruthless and unforgiving, they've all never batted an eyelid when they've had to pull the trigger, never....until Louis. Louis was the first person any of them had feelings towards, the first person they let into their world and will do anything to protect. Harry never thought he could love anything or anyone, Louis changed him completely, the boys never thought they would act so sappy or so protectively over someone. They would do absolutely anything for Louis and they know he's got them wrapped around his finger.

The mood in the room is solemn and no one wants to accept that Louis won't make it.

"We can leave you alone with him Haz, we will take care of everything" Drew says.

"I.....I want to be with him but I....I don't think I can do this alone, I'm going to break" Harry says.

The boys are so shocked at his confession but are so glad he's not pushing Louis away and that he's going to stay by his side.

"We're here Haz, we will organise everything and be back in a few hours, okay" Scott says.

Harry nods and they leave the room to organise the office for the next few days, they all want to spend as much time as they can with Louis.

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