Part 43

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"Is it done?" Harry asks Scott, Drew and Edward as they stand in the kitchen three days later. He's dressed for work in black skinny jeans and a black button up, he looks his usual amazing godly self but Harry feels anything but, he's still reeling from Louis being drugged and is feeling angsty at leaving Louis side while he sleeps, even if just for a few minutes.

"Yes boss" Scott says.

Harry nods in response, just as Louis walks into the kitchen, he's wearing his own black sweats which are now so baggy on him and Harry's lilac sweater, that Louis now calls his, it is absolutely drowning the tiny boy. He looks pale, so exhausted and far to thin, Harry is concerned.

"Hello, darling boy" Harry says relaxing at the sight of Louis.

"Daddy" Louis says on the verge of tears, he still feels awful three days later and he just wants to cry, he hasn't been sleeping well and he just wants Harry's comfort.

Harry opens his arms for Louis and Louis walks forward and falls into them, he hides his face in Harry's neck, breathing in his amazing smell. Harry lifts Louis up his legs going around Harry's waist. Harry places one of his hands on the back of Louis head and one around his waist and holds him close as he cries.

"It's okay darling boy, I'm here, daddy's got you" Harry tells Louis comfortingly.

Louis cries for a few more moments before he's too exhausted to keep going. Harry sits Louis on the bench and stands in front of him. Drew gets up on the bench and sits next to Louis kissing his forehead, while Edward and Scott sit on the stools to the side of Harry,

"You okay kiddo?" Edward asks,

Louis shakes his head.

"I...can't remember anything....just....drinking the water bottle" Louis whispers. It's so upsetting to him that he can't remember a single thing that happened, it's causing Louis to be anxious and scared.

"Andy said you won't remember bud, it's the drug that's all, it's all normal" Drew reassures.

"Louis looks at them all, so small and fragile and they all vow to kill whoever was responsible for this.

"What happened?" Louis asks hesitantly.

Harry sighs.

"You went to the bathroom, I had Edward follow you and you asked for a bottle of water, Edward went to get you one but before he could get back, someone slipped you one under the door, you thought it was Edward giving you the bottle but it wasn't and it was laced with roofies" Harry explains.

Louis blinks back his tears, he feels so stupid.

"Who was it?" Louis asks.

"Conveniently the cameras weren't working near the bathroom, someone tampered with them" Scott says.

"But Jake and Jason were spotted by the cameras in the bar five minutes before" Edward says.

Louis should have known, should have known he couldn't go out and have any fun, be normal with Harry. He hates Jake and Jason to the core and he hates himself for being like that.

Louis sighs, he never wants to go out ever again, doesn't want to drink anything ever again, incase its laced with something, it's the easiest way to get to Louis, poisoning him he supposes. He just has to knuckle down, get through university and stick to the house as much as he can. Harry won't have a problem with it, he hates Louis going out anyway. Maybe he can look at converting his classes to home instead.

"I'm just going to go catch up on my school work" Louis says trying to change the subject and forget about it all. He goes to jump off the bench but Harry grabs him not letting him move.

"Woah there cub, if you think for a single second you're doing school work, you're highly mistaken" Harry says firmly.

"It can wait Lou, just get better first" Edward says.

"How about we get you something to eat and drink hey" Scott says.

Louis shakes his head no.

"Darling, you need to eat something" Harry says sternly.

Scott pulls a granola bar and a bottle of water from the fridge and Louis takes one look at the bottle of water and freaks out completely.

"No, no, I don't want it" he says upset and tries to get off the bench.

"Lou, it's okay what's wrong?" Drew tries.

Harry tries to hold Louis and calm him down,

"Cub, relax, relax, it's okay" Harry tries.

"I don't want to drink anything, I don't want it ever again please" Louis says, tears falling down his cheeks and he looks terrified.

Harry and the boys all look at each other concerned.

"Darling, it's okay" Harry says as he sees Louis starting to breathe harsh and fast.

"I don't want it, don't make me drink it please" Louis says shakily.

"Louis, we won't make you drink it okay, just relax and breathe for us" Drew says.

"Calm you're breathing cub, deep breaths for us" Harry tries.

"The bottles gone now kiddo, it's okay" Scott says.

Louis begins to calm down and his breathing starts to even out and steady.

"Good boy Lou" Edward says as they all help Louis calm down.

Louis calms down to praises from the boys and he relaxes as best he can.

"I'm never drinking or eating anything ever again, I hate it and it's poison, I don't want it" Louis says upset as the tears still slip down his face.

In his head Harry is cursing and worried sick, this is bad and gone too far, Louis is terrified to even look at a water bottle or food. Harry will force it down Louis throat if he has to but right now he needs to calm Louis down.

"Darling, no one is going to poison you, we all love you very much and would never, ever hurt you" Harry says.

Louis knows this but he doesn't want to put anything in his mouth just in case.

"It's a new bottle of water Lou, never been opened so we promise there is no poison inside" Drew says.

"I don't want it" Louis yells.

This time Harry lets him go as he gets off the bench and runs all the way upstairs.

"Fuck, this is bad, he's stubborn too, he won't give in" Edward says.

"I want Jake and Jason to feel the most pain they have ever felt in their lives boys, go give it to them and make sure you film it and send it straight to Don" Harry says his voice as cold as ice.

The boys nod in agreement as they walk to the basement door, Harry takes out his phone to call Andy and makes his way back up to Louis, he has to go back to work and he wants Louis to eat before he does.

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