Part 46

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"You killed them" Louis says, it's not a question but he's looking for confirmation.

Louis still won't let go of Drew, he's calmed down to hiccups but his face is still buried under Drew's chin, he looks at Harry, scared out of his mind and the innocence in his eyes catches Harry's heart.

"I did darling" Harry says reaching out to cup Louis face and rub his thumb over his cheek.

"What if that was me, what if Don did that to me" Louis chokes.

"I'd never, ever let that happen cub" Harry says his voice firm.

"They were just....I don't....l don't want to die" Louis says he's so upset and hysterical about this,

"Louis" Edward says

"Oh Lou" Drew adds

"It's okay kiddo" Scott tells him

"Darling, that is the last thing I want you to worry about, you are not going to die, I would never let that happen, ever and neither would the boys" Harry says with as much conviction as he can.

Drew's grip tightens on Louis.

"Louis we are here to protect you, we are never, ever going to let you die" Edward tells Louis.
"But why didn't Don save Jake? You said you wouldn't let that happen to me, why did Don let it happen to Jake?" Louis asks.

Louis doesn't understand, if Don loved Jake as much as Harry loves Louis, wouldn't he do whatever it takes to make sure he saved Jake?

"I'm a lot more powerful than Don darling, Don knows his place. He had his chance to back down but he chose not too, he chose Jakes fate" Harry says.

"He hates you now, he hates you and he's going to kill me, I know it" Louis says, as he starts to get upset again.

"Louis William, listen, and listen good, you are my entire world, you mean everything to me. I will stop at nothing to make sure you're safe and protected. I take that very seriously and only hire the best to make sure that happens. The boys are more than just my men Louis, they are my family and family protects family" Harry says determinedly,

Louis looks at Harry innocently

"Harry's right Louis" Drew says

"You're family and we will protect you no matter what" Edward says.

"But what if something happens to you guys?" Louis asks.

"Nothing will darling, okay, nothing is going to happen to us" Harry reassures.

Just as Harry utters those words, they hear a noise outside and about six police cars racing up the driveway. It happens in minutes, the house is stormed and Harry is arrested, his hands are handcuffed behind his back and he's led out the door.

"Harry!" Louis yells, he's confused and so so scared, what is going on?"

"Cub, it's okay, go inside please" Harry instructs as he's led to one of the police cars

"What's going on? No, Harry please" Louis says as he runs after Harry.

Drew is quick to grab him and keep him back.

"It's okay, kiddo, just relax, we will sort it out" Drew says.

Louis looks on helplessly as Harry is escorted away, he's having conversations with Edward and Scott but Louis has no idea what's happening and why, he's panicking. Harry is being taken away from him, what's he going to do.

Once the police cars have left, Drew brings Louis back into the house.

"Drew" he asks helplessly.

Edward and Scott are on the phones instantly,

"It's okay kiddo, we will sort it out" Drew assures Louis as he picks him up like a child.

"I want Harry" Louis says upset.

"We know you do kiddo, we will get him back" Edward says as he ends his phone call and comes over to kiss Louis on the forehead.

"Why did they take him, where is he gone?" Louis asks scared.

He remembers Harry telling him he could go to jail if he decided to leave the underground.

"We're not sure, but I smell a rat and I bet my money on Don" Scott says.

"Is he going to jail?" Louis asks innocently.

"We hope not kid, we will follow them to the police station, you stay here with Drew okay" Edward says,

"Noooo, Edward please, no" Louis starts, tears in his eyes, he just wants Harry,

Edward takes Louis from Drew, and brings him into the loungeroom and sits Louis on his lap.

"Listen bud, I know you want Harry and I know this is a bit of a shock, but I promise, Scott, Dan and I will head to the station, find out what's going on and you will be the first to know what we find okay" Edward reassures Louis.

"If....if he goes to jail, I don't know what I'll do, I need him Edward, please" Louis says so innocently and broken.

"I know bud, I'll fix it, we will fix this, I promise you" Edward says.

Louis nods and reluctantly lets them leave to the police station, he's worried and doesn't know what's going to happen.

Drew accompanies Louis to his and Harry's bedroom, Drew knows Louis is in shock. He himself is confused about what just happened, he knows Edward and Scott will sort it out and all he can do is wait for any news.

Louis curls up on the bed and lets a few tears escape. Drew cuddles him close and holds Louis while he falls asleep crying. Drew will do whatever it takes to get Harry back to Louis. Hopefully this is the start of them getting out of the underground, he just hopes Harry knows what he's doing.

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