Part 22

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"Cub one more mouthful before you're excused, stop arguing with us or I'll put you over my knee" Harry states.

"If you put me over your knee, at least I won't have to eat anymore and I won't vomit everywhere" Louis says sassily as he crosses his arms.

Edward, Drew, George and Scott try to hold in their laughter,

"Louis, If Harry takes you over his knee and you don't eat another mouthful, ill stick a tube down your throat, got it" Andy says pointedly.

Things turn more serious at Andy's threat and Louis looks away from him. Louis has been home a little over a week and things have been going well, apart from Louis not eating. His temperature is still present but his side is easing up, making it a bit easier to walk again, much to Louis relief.

"Come on kiddo, you've hardly touched your dinner" Edward tries.

"I'm not hungry that's why" Louis defends.

"You have to build your appetite back up Louis, that won't happen if you don't eat and you won't get better, your body needs food to heal" Andy says.

"I'm eating until I'm full, how is that not eating?" Louis argues.

"So you're telling us that three mouthfuls of mashed potato and a slice of capsicum is filing you up?" Drew asks.

"Yes" Louis whines.

"Thats not even enough energy to get you up those stairs" Scott says.

Louis places his elbows on the table and places his palms to his eyes in frustration.

"Darling, it's okay, we know this is hard but can you do something for me" Harry tries.

Louis takes a deep breath and looks at Harry, Harry looks back sympathetically.

"Can you please just trust me and the boys, just trust us to look after one piece of chicken and we will call it a night hey" Harry says.

Louis knows it's the best he's going to get, a few tears escape his eyes as he leans forward and takes his fork and slowly eats his chicken. The boys all look at each other and sigh in relief, they all just want Louis healthy.

Louis eats his whole chicken breast and the boys clean up the kitchen and plates, making sure they tell Louis how proud they are of him.

Louis is just about to leave the table when he suddenly hears his name being called from far away.

He turns around to where the noise was coming from, Harry has gone stiff in his chair and Louis turns to look at him.

"Come on let's go upstairs and have a shower" Harry smiles like it was nothing.

"Louis William" he hears again. It sounds angered

The boys go silent in the kitchen, looking at each other.

The sound is coming from the basement and Louis instinctively starts walking over to the door. Harry is quick to grab him though, around the waist.

"Not so fast cub" Harry says as he pulls Louis to his chest.

"Who is it?" Louis whispers as he turns to Harry.

"I'll explain later, not right now" Harry says.

"But" Louis tries.

"Cub, trust me, please" Harry says and Louis nods.

Harry grabs Louis and picks him up like a child and Louis wraps himself around Harry.

"Sort it out" Harry says to the boys as they leave the kitchen.

They nod and Edward and Drew make their way to the basement.

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