Part 38

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Louis goes straight to his room when he gets home, he has a shower and changes into his comfy sweats, he then gets into bed and under the covers. He curls up on himself and sighs. He's upset at himself for running away from Jake and Jason and not standing up to them. Louis debates on whether or not he should tell Harry, he just feels he's disappointed Harry enough when it comes to being a second and part of the mob. They've been communicating so well lately though and he doesn't want to ruin that. He closes his eyes and tries to block it all out, he has a headache and just wants to forget about everything for a while.


"Daniel?" Harry says worriedly, as he answers his phone,

"Hi boss, sorry to disturb you, I just wanted to let you know I've brought Louis home early" Daniel says.

Harry is instantly concerned and makes his way to the car, gesturing for Edward and Drew to follow.

"What's happened?" Harry asks.

"I snuck into his last class and two boys that match the description of Jake and Jason sat next to Louis, I didn't hear what they said to him but I heard one of them call him cub, they looked like they were giving Louis a hard time and he ran from class. I caught up and confronted him but he claimed he wasn't feeling well, so I brought him home" Daniel says.

Harry sighs.

"Thanks Dan, i appreciate it, I'll be home in about twenty minutes" Harry says,

"No problem boss" Daniel says and hangs up,

"What's wrong boss?" Drew asks.

"It seems boys, that Jake and Jason are giving Louis a hard time at Uni" Harry says.

"How did they even get into that school, how did they even know Louis was going?" Drew asks.

"Don would have seen to it I'm sure, he'll be making sure they torment Louis as much as possible" Edward says,

"Scott said he was questioning him about the second and seemed upset about it, I wondered how he found out about it all, I should have guessed that Don would have been part of the reason" Harry sighs.

"What's he upset about?" Edward asks.

"I'm not sure, I know he doesn't want to be part of the underground, I just hope hey haven't got into his head about it all" Harry says.

The car pulls up at home and Harry takes himself upstairs to the bedroom, he walks in and sees Louis curled up underneath the blankets. Harry takes his shoes off and climbs in behind Louis, he brings Louis close to his chest and kisses his ear and the side of his head.

"Mmmm" Louis says as he wakes up to Harry

"Hi little cub, its just me" Harry says.

Louis relaxes in Harry's arms.

"Are you feeling okay? Dan said you were sick" Harry asks,

He knows Louis isn't really sick but wants Louis to admit it himself.

"I'm okay" Louis says.

"That's good, I was worried" Harry says,

"But I think I might be coming down with something and....and I can't go to uni tomorrow" Louis says.

"Oh? Well I'll ask Andy to come have a look at you then, we can't have you getting sick" Harry says concerned.

"No, no I'm sure I'm fine....maybe I'm just tired and maybe I need to drop a class or something" Louis says warily.

"Darling, I know you and I know that you would fight me tooth and nail if I suggested you drop a class, to the point you'd probably pick up an extra class just to spite me" Harry says fondly.

Louis stomach does a flip, Harry knows him so well, he loves that. Louis sighs and decides it's best to tell Harry what's going on.

"What's happened Cub, talk to me" Harry says,

"Jake and Jason have somehow found out the uni I go to and the classes I'm in, they turn up to my last class everyday and they....they've started sitting next to me and.....and" Louis starts.

"And? Tormenting you?" Harry finishes.

Louis sighs.

"I can take a wild guess and say they've been telling you about being a second? And maybe that you aren't good enough?" Harry says.

A tear runs down Louis cheek, how did Harry know all this, does he think Louis is not worthy too?

Louis takes in a shaky breath and closes his eyes to stop his tears.

"Cub, please listen to me, I'm so in love with you, it does not matter to me that you don't want to be part of the underground" Harry says.

"You must be disappointed Harry, You deserve someone who's willing to stand by your side and help you and......I can't do that" Louis says as he hold in his tears.

"You do stand by my side darling, and to tell you the truth, the honest truth......I don't want you part of my world, I don't want you exposed to it all and have you involved, you're mine to protect and I would prefer if you had nothing to do with the mob" Harry says.

"But, you deserve someone who's strong enough to be part of the mob, I'm nothing Harry" Louis says.

"Nothing? You think you're nothing?.....Louis, the favourite part of my day is waking up to you and coming home to you! I love that you don't have anything to do with the mob, I love listening to you talk about your dreams and what you want to do, I love how you talk about classes and what assignments you've got, I love you! And I don't want to change any of that" Harry says.

Louis can't stop the tears any more and just cries, Harry pulls Louis closer to his chest.

"Jake and Jason are nothing, they deserve nothing and do not deserve your time, they won't touch you ever again Louis and I promise you they mean nothing" Harry says.

Louis slowly turns around in Harry's arms, and snuggles into Harry's neck.

"I love you darling, so so much!" Harry says.

"I love you too daddy" Louis says sniffling.

Harry holds Louis close and already has a plan developing in his head on how to deal with Jake and Jason, he will make sure they go nowhere near Louis ever again

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