Part 28

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A week later and Louis is back to doing his school work from home at Andy's okay, Harry has been busy working and Louis misses him like crazy, he's starting to act out a bit and the boys all know it's because Harry isn't around as much.

"Louis, I don't understand how you've finished a whole terms worth of work in a week" Edward asks him as Louis complains he's bored.

"I just did okay" Louis says sassily.

"Well, I've asked the school for more but it will take a few days to get here" Edward tells him.

"Well then I'll just go and sit in my room staring at the wall like a good little boy, not annoying anyone" Louis says angrily,

"Kid, that's not what we're saying" Scott says.

"It's fine I get it, You're all trying to work and I'm just in the way" Louis says sadly. He crosses his arms and leaves the boys office.

"Louis, you're never in the way kid" Drew says after him.

"I'm going out for a walk" Louis says as he heads downstairs.

"You know you can't do that Louis" Edward sighs as he follows after Louis.

"Why, why can't I do that?? I've been hauled up here for months, please just let me out" Louis cries.

"Harry has made it very clear you aren't to leave without him or a guard Louis, you will get punished and so will we" Edward says.

"I highly doubt Harry would put YOU over his knee" Louis says cheekily.

The boys hold in their laugh

"No kid but he won't hesitate with you, and we'd really like to not be yelled at and lectured" Drew says.

"Fine I'll go with a guard" Louis sighs frustratedly.

The boys all look at each other, wondering what to do.

"For god sakes" Louis huffs as he brings out his phone.

He calls Harry who picks up on the first ring.

"Hello darling" Harry says.

"Hi daddy" Louis says happily.

The boys smile fondly at Louis knowing he has Harry completely wrapped around his finger.

"I miss you" Harry tells Louis.

"I miss you too" Louis says.

"Are you being good?" Harry asks sternly.

"I think so" Louis says innocently

Harry laughs.

"That means no" Harry says.

Louis huffs.

"I'm bored can I go out...please? I'll take a guard" Louis promises

Harry sighs, he knows he can't keep Louis in the house forever.

"Have you finished you work?" Harry asks,

"Yes the whole terms" Louis says.

Harry isn't surprised, Louis is so smart he shouldn't even be in high school.

"Put Edward on the phone" Harry says.

Louis sighs and hands the phone to Edward.

Edward chuckles as he takes the phone and talks to Harry, Louis waits until he's finished and Edward hangs up.

"Take Scott with you and you can go for a drive, you have two hours and if you're not back or get into trouble you know the consequences" Edward says, handing Louis back his phone.

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