Part 31

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"Hey Lou" Louis hears Noah's voice as he enters the kitchen.

Like Harry instructed, Louis finished his work before He showered and dressed into black sweats and Harry's white jumper, Louis wasn't expecting Noah to be in the kitchen with Harry and the boys, helping with dinner when he walked downstairs.

"Oh, hey" Louis smiles towards Noah.

"Noah's staying for dinner, thought it would be a good way to get to know him" Harry turns towards Louis and says.

Louis nods his head and smiles.

"Showered?" Harry smirks.

Louis blushes and nods at Harry as he looks down playing with his sweater.

"How were classes today Lou?" Edward asks as he gestures Louis over to the bar stool and onto his lap.

"Good, long" Louis smiles.

The classes are really long and tiring but Louis loves learning, especially about something he's so interested in.

"I hope you're pacing yourself, you're still recovering Louis, I don't want you pushing yourself" Andy says.

"You do look a bit pale Lou" Edward says feeling Louis forehead, Louis gets frustrated and pushes Edwards hand away.

"Cub?" Harry asks worryingly,

"I'm fine, I'm not even tired" Louis says in frustration

"Scott?" Harry asks, looking at Scott.

"He was fine all day, I promise, you know I'd tell you" Scott says.

Noah is looking at the exchange fondly, obviously these boys are protective and really love Louis a lot

"Alright, but I'm watching you cub" Harry says.

"Clearly" Louis says back sassily to Harry, after what happened with Noah, Louis is sure Harry would know if he was sick before Louis did.

Harry smirks at Louis fondly.

Noah gets along really well with the boys and even Harry seems to approve, especially when he finds out Scott and Noah are interested in each other.

Louis and Noah get on like a house on fire and Harry and the boys watch on fondly as they share laughs and talk excitedly to each other. Harry loves seeing Louis so happy and he really likes Noah, as long as he keeps an eye on everything, Harry is happy to let Noah and Louis hang out together.

When Louis and Harry are wrapped up in each other in the sheets that night, Harry kisses Louis and holds him tightly.

"I love you cub" Harry tells Louis.

"I love you daddy" Louis says smiling.

"I like Noah, I'm watching him, but you can be friends" Harry says.

Louis smiles widely and snuggles back into Harry's arms, thankful Harry is being so reasonable and even more thankful that Harry isn't working tonight and they can fall asleep together.


"Please, please, please Scott please" Louis practically whines as they make their way to the car after Louis classes.

It's Friday and Noah has invited him and Scott to Nick's for a drink with a few of his friends.

"Louis, you know the answer already, I don't want to discuss this anymore" Scott says.

"This is so unfair" Louis says upset.

"Listen Lou, we can go another time, it's fine I promise" Noah says.

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