Part 19

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"You're doing so great Louis" his nurse Sammy tells him

"It hurts...please let me stop" Louis cries.

"I know it hurts Hun but we have to keep going, the more you can push through the easier it will be" she says as she continues to lead Louis down the hallway.

Louis has been in hospital for three weeks now, it's been three horrid weeks of pain and coming to terms with his injuries and his hideous scar across his side. He's had to learn to walk again and Sammy, his physio nurse has been amazing. He's so sore though and it's frustrating. Louis just wants to go home. Harry has been a bit distant with Louis though and he knows something is bothering Harry.

They walk back into Louis hospital room and Sammy helps Louis down onto the chair in front of the window.

"Okay?" She asks.

Louis nods, Sammy knows Louis is left alone a lot, that he has no family and his boyfriend works a lot.

"Harry coming up to see you today?" Sammy asks smiling.

"I dunno, I hope so, he's busy though" Louis sighs.

Sammy nods, she knows Louis is upset and trying to hide it.

"When can I go home?" Louis asks.

If Harry even wants him anymore, he's been having those thoughts lately, as he sits in the room alone most days. Harry didn't leave his side the first week but seeing Louis hurt obviously got to him and he couldn't stand it anymore. Louis knows Harry blames himself but no amount of Louis reassuring him it wasn't his fault has helped and now Louis has a feeling Harry doesn't want him anymore. He's lonely and just wants Harry's arms around him.

"I'm not sure kiddo, you're doing really well but I'll have to check with the doctor" Sammy smiles.

Louis gets as comfortable as he can on the recliner chair and curls in on himself, Sammy hands him a blanket and he makes himself warm.

"An hour is all I'm letting you have before I'm hooking your drips up again okay" Sammy tells pointedly but with a smile.

Louis nods and smiles back as Sammy leaves the room and Louis to his thoughts.

About half an hour later Louis is nearly asleep when Edward and Drew walk into the room.

"Hey kiddo" Drew smiles as he comes to kneel in front of Louis.

"Hi" Louis smiles big.

He loves it when the boys visit, they come Allt more than Harry does.

"How's our boy" Edward asks.

Louis shrugs.

"We brought you a present today" Drew says.

Louis face lights up,

"A present?" Louis asks.

"Yep, we sure did, can you stand?" Drew asks

Louis nods and Edward and Drew help him to stand up.

"Good boy" Edward says.

They help him over for he middle of the room, Edward holds him so he doesn't fall and Drew goes towards the door.

"I'll be right back" Drew smiles

Louis looks to Edward who smirks and then back to he door as it reopens and Drew is walking back in with someone trailing behind him.

"Scott!" Louis cries excitedly.

Scott smiles and comes over to Louis as he moves forward, Louis latches onto Scott who picks him up and they share a much needed hug.

"Hey kiddo" Scott says gently, kissing Louis head.

They stay like that for a while Scott holding Louis and Louis clinging to Scott. Louis has felt so guilty about Scott getting hurt, he's been waiting to see him and is so glad he's okay.

Scott then feels Louis hot tears on his neck.

"Hey, hey, kiddo, don't cry, we were meant to make you happy" Scott says.

He tries to pull Louis's face up out of his neck but Louis won't let him and clings to Scott and cries.

"Shhhhh, it's okay kid" Scott says.

Edward and Drew leave the room for a while, to give Scott and Louis some privacy. Scott sits on the recliner chair and Louis straddles him, eventually Louis calms down and brings his head out of Scott's neck.

Scott smiles at him and wipes Louis tears off his cheeks.

"I'm sorry" Louis says.

"Don't be, nothing is your fault Louis" Scott says.

"I'm glad you're okay" Louis says.

"I'm glad you're okay" Scott chuckles.

"I'm sorry I ran out Scott, I thought it was Harry" Louis tells him.

"So did I kiddo, I'm sorry I couldn't stop them" Scott says.

"It's not your fault either" Louis says.

They smile at each other and Scott ruffles Louis hair.

They sit quietly for a while, just happy that the other is okay.

"Scott?" Louis asks.

"Yeah kid?" He asks.

"Why.....why doesn't Harry want to be with me anymore?" Louis asks upset.

"Why on earth would you think that Lou?" Scott ask.

"He just....he doesn't come and see me, he's been distant and doesn't want....I...never mind" Louis says shaking his head.

"Lou, listen, you know what Harry is like, he's just.....trying to deal with nearly losing you and he doesn't know how to move past it, he's struggling and we know he misses you so much" Scott says.

"I miss him Scott, I need him, i just want him here, but when he does come, it's like he wants to leave and doesn't want to stay" Louis says.

"Look, I'll have a talk to him okay, we're trying to get you out of here and back to the house where Andy can look after you. The hospital doesn't want to let you go just yet though, once you get home I'm sure Harry and you will be back to normal okay" Scott says.

"Well I'm mad at him, I don't want to come home if I'm honest, I need him now and he doesn't want to be here, he's left me, I'm all alone and I'm mad at him for leaving me" Louis says.

Scott sighs and Sammy then walks into the room,

"Hey Lou, time to get back in bed buddy" Sammy says.

Louis sighs and Scott carries him back into bed and tucks him in. Sammy hooks his drips up and Edward and Drew come in to say their goodbyes.

"Do you have to go?" Louis asks.

"Afraid so, we have to get back to work" Edward says.

"Is Harry coming today?" Louis asks.

The boys all sigh and look at each other

"It's fine forget it" Louis says.

He sinks back down into the he bed, curls in on himself and rolls over so his back is to the boys and Sammy.

"We will be back soon kiddo" Drew says.

Louis doesn't answer as he's left alone once again, left alone to cry himself to sleep wishing Harry was next to him.

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