Part 32

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Edward and Drew pull up out the front of a club, Harry and Louis sit in the back seat and Harry turns towards Louis, who's looking a little scared.

"Rules" Harry states.

Louis nods.

"Do not wander from me at any point, do as I say when I say it, do not disobey me, Edward and Drew are going to stay behind us, if I tell you to go to them you do so. Do not speak to anyone if I'm not with you. Understand" Harry says darkly, he's in work mode and Louis is slightly scared.

"Yes " Louis says.

"You will refer to me as daddy if you need to ask me anything, okay" Harry says.

Louis gulps.

"Okay?" Harry asks expectantly.

"Harry, I'm scared, I don't like this, daddy is supposed to be between you and me, I feel like you're taking me inside to show me off and sell my body or something" Louis says worriedly.

Harry's face softens.

"Never cub, no one will ever touch you, but I do need you to be submissive for me, can you do that?" Harry asks swiping Louis fringe off his forehead.

"Yes daddy, I'll try" Louis says.

Harry smiles widely and Edward and Drew then get out of the car and open Harry's door, Harry gets out first and then reaches his hand for Louis. Louis is so small compared to the boys and they all smirk at him, they think Louis is just adorable,

Louis looks at Edward a bit scared as Edward closes the car door.

"You're safe, we promise, we've got you, just remember that okay" Edward smiles and Louis nods and relaxes.

They step foot inside and everyone looks their way, Harry smirks and grabs Louis hand tightly as they walk through the dark club, it's noisy and music is blaring, everyone is dressed impeccably in suits and dresses, although there aren't very many women in the club.

Louis grabs Harry's whole arm with his free hand, he's scared and shuffles as close to Harry as he can. Harry notices and looks down fondly at his Cub. Harry knows how attractive Louis is and how much the club is gawking at him, as much as Harry hates the thought of anyone touching his Cub, he's happy to flaunt Louis for a while, knowing he's safe by his side,

Harry is greeted as they walk, it's like he's the god of fire or something, everyone bowing their heads at him and kissing his hand, it's quite ridiculous and Louis let's out a giggle. Harry turns towards Louis at the sound and raises an eyebrow.

"Sorry" Louis says innocently.

Harry tries to hide his fond and goes back to leading Louis through the club, they come to the back of the club and to a double door guarded by guards. They also bow their heads to Harry and open the doors immediately, Harry nods back at them and doesn't miss the lingering eyes on Louis.

Once they are in the room, Louis looks around and sees about 20 men playing poker, smoking and chatting while drinking.

"Boss" one of the men says as soon as he spots Harry.

The chatter immediately dies down as all heads turn towards Harry.

"Gentlemen" Harry says and Louis has to look at him to make sure the sound came from Harry, his voice is so dark and rough.

"We weren't expecting you until Monday night" the same guy says uneasily.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I don't remember needing your permission to enter my club, last time I checked you worked for me" Harry says confidently.

The man splutters, as do his men

"Yes of course, sorry boss, we just weren't expecting you" another man says,

"Mmmmm, I can see that" Harry says as he looks around, his expression angry.

"Is this what I pay you to do Jasper? Do I pay you to drink my liquor, smoke my cigars and play poker all fucking night? Or do I pay you to run my club?" Harry spits.

"Run....your club sir" Jasper stutters.

He's a clean cut, big muscly guy and Louis can see him quaking as he speaks to Harry.

"That's right and if you had been doing your fucking job, I wouldn't have to be here cleaning up your mess" Harry says darkly.

"Sir?" Jasper questions.

"I'm collecting tonight..., Drew?" Harry says and Drew steps forward and goes to collect the money.

Jasper hands wads of cash over immediately and Drew puts them in his briefcase, before he's back standing behind Harry again.

"Mr Cooper?" Harry then asks the room.

Louis sees a man, middle aged, stand up at the farthest table, he gulps.

"Yes sir" he says, trying to be brave.

"Mr Cooper, I'd like you to tell me to my face, what you've been telling the streets about my Cub" Harry says and Louis eyes widen, what?

"Um, I'm not sure what you're talking about" the guy says.

"My Cub, Louis, I hear he's the talk of your mouth lately" Harry spits gesturing to Louis.

"I don't......I haven't" the guy then stutters.

Harry's getting angry.

"One last chance Mr Cooper, please" Harry says his patience is wearing thin.

"Ummm, I said that he would be a good fuck and should be taught a lesson by his daddy" the guy says.

Louis breath hitches and his grip in Harry tightens.

"Continue" Harry says calmly.

"I said that he's a gold digger and any son of Troy's is not worthy of you" he then says.

Tears spring to Louis eyes as he takes in the harsh words.

"Let's get one thing straight and you can ALL tell the rest of the street. Louis is mine and only mine, anyone caught near him, touching him or saying a single thing about him, will be dead before they take their next breath. Your pathetic attempts at slandering him have not gone unnoticed, consider this a warning" Harry seethes and he's so angry and scary.

He then ever so quickly brings out a gun and shoots Mr Cooper in the chest. Louis stares eyes open, frozen in his spot.

"On another note, anyone thinks they can get away with steeling from me will end up like Mr Cooper here, Jasper.. I expect double revenue next week to cover what Cooper stole, no arguments or it's your head" Harry says.

"Yessss boss" Jasper nods

"Do your fucking Job gentleman, this is your only warning" Harry finishes.

He then turns to Louis grabs his hand and leads him out of the room leaving the me inside to clean up the mess and the club none the wiser about what just went on.

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