Part 29

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Louis has been lying on his stomach on his and Harry's bed for the past hour, he's let a few tears escape but what's the point of crying. Louis new Harry was like this, would probably react this way, yet there was a sliver of hope he might agree.

Harry walks into the room and to the end of the bed, Louis ignores his presence and continues playing with the bed spread.

"Can we talk cub?" Harry asks, his voice slightly husky.

Louis sighs, at least Harry wants to even talk.

Louis sits up and crosses his legs and faces Harry, he doesn't say anything, just waits for Harry to start talking.

"I want to tell you why I don't want you at London university" Harry starts. And Louis can see he's making an effort.

"Okay" Louis agrees.

" doesn't have a good reputation, there are the wrong type of people there and I don't want you associating with them. I'm very protective of you and I want you safe, I'm also worried about you finding someone better than me" Harry says all of this uncomfortably, but still remaining his cold business like self.

Louis sighs and chuckles.

"Daddy, I'm never going to find someone better than you, I love you, I want to be with you, I don't want anyone else and you know that, you know I'm yours" Louis says.

Harry smirks.

"And no offence but it's proven you can't protect me from everything, I'm still here and some pretty bad shits happened to me. I also went to London public and nothing happened to me...... until you came along" Louis says cheekily.

"Watch it" Harry smirks.

Louis closes his mouth and waits for Harry.

"I'd like to compromise" Harry says.

"I'm listening" Louis says.

He assumes Harry's compromise is university from home, which he will take if it means he can do it, but he needs to talk about what's going to happen when he needs to get an actual job and he's required to leave the house.

"I sent your file to London Elite University" Harry says carefully.

Louis eyes widen, he was not expecting that, that's the most expensive university in all of London, only the elite and brightest get in, Louis can no way afford to go there.

"They've accepted you, you can start next week" Harry tells him.

"Harry, wha?? I don't understand, I can't afford that, I can' did you get me in?" Louis asks flabbergasted.

"Your grades got you in, let's leave it at that" Harry says sternly.

Louis sighs,

"You own the university don't you?" Louis says deadpan.

Harry smiles widely.

"No cub, I don't exclusively own it, I own a share, I'm on the board, but that's not why you're in" Harry says.

"Sure it's not" Louis rolls his eyes.

"Elite hosts a lot of the underground, I know the type of kids there and I know the professors, I know you'll be safe" Harry says.

"I'm upset that you got me in because of who you are, but, I can't pass up this opportunity, I'll accept, on the terms that I pay you back" Louis says.

"No need, you're on a full scholarship, whatever you choose to study" Harry says.

"What the fuck Harry?" Louis almost yells.

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