Part 17

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Louis wakes to pain, he's dizzy and disorientated, he knows he's in a dark room, it's cold and as he tries to sit up against the wall, his body explodes in pain, he's obviously been beaten.

Louis manages to curl himself into the wall, bringing his knees to his chest. It's all very familiar but when the door opens it's not Harry's beautiful face greeting him, it's his fuck up of a dad, with a smirk on his face. He turns the light on, causing Louis to wince and then pulls up a chair and sits down. Louis notices a gun in his hand.

"So, you and Harry huh?" His dad says,

No happy greeting, no love for his son, just an accusation full of hate. Louis doesn't answer.

"Not talking huh? It's okay, we've been following you both for a while, we know all about you two" Troy says smirking.

Louis looks at him, tears in his eyes, he wants Harry so badly.

"I've been trying to bring Harry down for months and months, who new the way to do it was through my own son" Troy chuckles.

Louis is scared, scared his dad is going to hurt Harry,

"If you're dead, Harry will give up, he will be so easy to take down and I can take over, I've been planning it for nearly two years Louis and it all comes down to this" Troy says as he flashes his gun towards Louis.

"Harry isn't stupid, he'll come looking for you and when he does, It will be the most satisfying thing in the world to watch the most ruthless, powerful mob boss in the country crumble at the sight of your brains being blown out" Troy laughs.

Louis breathing picks up, he's so scared right now, he doesn't want to die and doesn't want Harry to be hurt. A few tears leak out of Louis eyes, he just wants to go home.

Troy then hauls Louis off the ground, causing Louis to cry out in pain. He's led outside the room to a group of men, one who he assumes is Leon, the one who smirked at him at Harry's house.

"Finally awake then" Leon smirks.

Troy shoves Louis towards him and Leon grabs Louis roughly, before they can do anything more though, there is a commotion at the front of the warehouse.

"Mmmmm, seems your boy found us earlier than expected" Leon huffs.

Suddenly the room is filled with about two dozen of Leon and Troy's men, Louis is so scared Harry will be shot or something.

"I thought you said we would have time" Leon spits at Troy.

"I thought we would have, I planned for having at least 24 hours, those guards you picked obviously cracked" Troy says angrily to Leon.

It goes quiet for about 20 gut reaching seconds before the front doors are bursting open and Harry and about 100 men are storming the warehouse. Shots are fired and Louis is let go, he scrambles to get away from the firing line. He runs as best he can to a table in the corner, something hits his side but he keeps running, it's not painful and he doesn't think much of it.

Louis makes it to the table and gets underneath it, he watches with terror and fear in his eyes as people are shot dead in front of him. He sees Harry's men take everyone down, he can't see Harry anywhere, he panics that something has happened to Harry, he then looks to the door and sees his dad being taken away in hand ties by Harry's men, he's struggling with all his might but he's knocked out and taken out of the warehouse alive.

Leon lays dead a few feet from Louis and he tries to stay calm as he sees blood seeping out of his head wound, Louis squeezes his eyes shut and puts his hands over his ears, praying for it all to stop.

When the gunfire thankfully stops and Harry and his men have taken over, Louis slowly opens his eyes, he can see Harry frantically looking for him. Louis tries to get up but he feels weak for some reason, so tired, he just wants Harry though so he pushes himself up, standing shakily. Harry finally spots Louis and he relaxes at the fact Louis is alive, his face turns pale though when he realises the blood coming from Louis side, his shirt is soaked through.

"Andy" Harry calls out behind him as he rushes forward to Louis.

"Harry" Louis chokes as he collapses in his arms.

"Cub, you're okay I'm here, you're okay, you're going to be fine" Harry says as he cuddles Louis and lays him down.

Louis goes willingly he's tired and doesn't understand why, he isn't in pain but he senses something isn't quite right.

"Harry" Louis whines as his vision starts going funny.

"Just relax cub, I've got you, just relax" Harry says.

Andy and the boys come rushing over, Andy grabs his shirt off his body and pushes it firmly to Louis side. He's yelling things and Harry has tears in his eyes. Louis doesn't understand.

Louis eyes begin to shut.

"Stay with us Lou, open yours eyes buddy" Andy says.

Louis does and he sees Harry looking at him with a pained expression, his tears are coming faster now and his green eyes look so bright as he strokes Louis hair.

"Why are you crying H?" Louis whispers.

Harry steadies his breathing.

"No reason darling, just I'm so glad we found you, I love you so much and I want you to listen to me okay" Harry says seriously.

Louis nods, Andy and the boys yelling and doing things that he tunes out.

"You're going to go to sleep now and I want you to promise me one thing, promise me you'll come back to me, promise me you won't leave me" Harry says.

Louis is confused, why would he leave Harry?

"I love you Harry, I don't want to leave you" Louis says scared.

"Good boy, so good for me cub, I love you so much, we will look after you, we will take care of you I promise darling" Harry says.

Louis is starting to breathe heavier and his eyes shut, he has no control over his body or anything. He hears Harry's words and replays them over and over in his head as he's taken into darkness.

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