Part 8

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Okay Cub, listen to me, I call, you answer, no ifs butts or maybes, someone will pick you up and take you to and from school and work, It will be me when I can, i want you back at my house Friday evening for the weekend okay" Harry tells Louis as they pull up outside Louis place.

"Okay, I know, I know," Louis says.

Harry leans over and kisses Louis, so much meaning behind the kiss, Louis returns it eagerly and they pull away panting.

"Be safe" Harry says looking into Louis eyes.

Louis is confused, why wouldn't he be safe

"You too" Louis replies

"Make sure you stay warm too, cover your chest and wear socks on your feet, I know you hate that but you have too" Harry says.

Louis smiles

"Okay H" he says rolling his eyes.

"Bye Ed, bye Scott" Louis says to the two in the front.

"Bye Bud be good" Edward says.

Louis exits the car and makes his way upstairs and into the apartment safely, he watches Harry's car drive away and his phone rings instantly.

"Really?" Louis laughs.

"Just checking, bye little cub" Harry says.

"Harry?" Louis says before Harry hangs up

"Mmmm?" Harry replies

"I...I'll miss you" Louis says.

"I'll miss you to baby boy" Harry says and then the call is disconnected.

Louis sighs.

He really likes Harry but he's been on his own so long, having someone dictate his life to him is something he isn't used too, he likes that Harry cares but he is shit scared if he does something wrong or something Harry doesn't like, Harry will hurt him, or leave him, Harry is so gentle with Louis, he doesn't want to give Harry an excuse not to be and that's the real reason he doesn't want to stay, if Louis is honest with himself he's scared to be alone in his apartment right now, he loves school though well the work not the people but he has to get an education, and he doesn't want Harry spending his money on him. As much as he would like nice things, he doesn't need them and would rather earn things himself, as much as he doesn't like working at Nicks.

Louis decides to message Jake his new phone number and tells him he will be at school in the morning.

Louis has a shower and dresses warm like Harry told him too, his place has no heating so it's freezing at night. Louis eats some toast for dinner and settles down in bed. He has a restless sleep, jumping at every noise but finally goes off at 3am.

The next day, Drew and Scott pick Louis up and take him to school, Louis has no idea that they have organised men to watch him while he's in school. So when he finds himself following Jake to the bleachers during lunch, he has no idea he's going to regret it.

"Jake, why are we going to he bleaches, we alway eat by the tree near the fields" Louis says.

"I just have to pick something up Lou, stop worrying" Jake says chuckling,

"I'm not worrying, I just don't like your friends, they don't like me either so I don't want to see them" Louis says whispering.

"They aren't at school today Lou, they have a science field trip, I'm just meeting another friend okay, then we will go eat" Jake says.

Louis just sighs and keeps walking, his black skinny jeans are starting to fall off him and he pulls them up as he walks, the white sweater Harry gave him is falling off his collarbones. They reach the bleachers and see another guy standing underneath. He's got brown hair and blue eyes, he's short and chubby and looks amused.

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