Watched (Todoroki x Reader)

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Shouto Todoroki x Reader 

You always watched the boy across the street. 

His name was Shouto Todoroki and he had four other siblings. His father wasn't the best and you watched as his mother was expelled from her own household. It seemed like you would never really get a closer view until you got into the infamous UA Hero Academy. Your quirk wowed the judges but it was nothing compared to the other students, you got into class 1-A by the string of your teeth and that made you even more excited. 

It was the first day of school and you rushed to your classroom hoping you'd make it on time to only make it earlier than anyone else. You loved your moment  of peace as eagerly awaited your classmates. The first to walk in was a young boy with green curls and freckles. He carefully looked around the classroom in a panicked way until he saw your cheerful and welcoming face. "Hi! I'm Midoriya Izuku! Um.." He bowed "IT'S NICE TO MEET YOU AND HOPE TO SHARE A GOOD YEAR WITH YOU!" He rushed to say. You were panicked but gently laughed. "Hi Midoriya, I'm (L/N) (F/N) I hope to share a good year with you too." He looked up at you and smiled as he took the seat next to you. You two seemed to hit it off and talk as more and more students started to pile in the class and you began to slowly take count in your head of who was who. That was until he walked in.

There he was standing at the doorway. Shouto Todoroki. Apparently he got in through recommendations but that didn't surprise you considering that his dad was the second top hero, Endeavor. He was as quiet as ever but you enjoyed that about him because that meant he was a good listener according to the teen magazines you read. You watched him as he made his way to an empty seat. You must've had your attention away from your conversation for too long because you suddenly snapped out of your observation when you heard Midoriya. "Um.. (F/N) are you okay??" You zoned back onto your conversation until the bell rang and class started. 

Class went really weirdly due to the teacher being a strange sleep deprived man in a yellow sleeping bag named Aizawa sensei but you got to meet the top hero All Might! so you guessed it was alright. You were on your way to lunch when you heard a quiet voice behind you. "Um. (F/N)?" You whipped around to see Shouto staring at you. You scrambled to compose yourself internally and quickly replied. "Yes?" You asked the shy boy watching his expressions closely "You live across my house don't you?" He asks staring at the floor. "Yeah, I've lived there since I was young" "I thought I recognised you. Especially your quirk, it's quite.. Amazing. Would you like to walk home together after school?" You were astonished by Shouto even knowing who you were but you just nodded and together you walked to lunch talking about whatever you could. Well.. To be fair it was mostly you talking and him just walking and listening to what you had to say. 

You waited enthusiastically for the end of school to come waiting for the boy across the street. You zoned out looking at your phone until you felt someone touch your shoulder gently. You turned to see Shouto looking at you nervously. "Ready to go?" He asked with his voice lightly cracking as he said that. "Yep!" You smiled at the half and half boy walked besides him. The two of you walked in silence but you could tell he had something to say as you walked closer to your home. You thought nothing of it thinking it might be something you just haven't noticed before. That was until he spoke. "Hey (F/N)?" His voice was quiet but strong "Yes?" "Have you ever noticed me before?" You looked at the boy with surprise and worried about how to answer the question. Should you come clean and say something about how you've been watching him since you were young? Wouldn't that be too creepy or weird? You could tell Todoroki was getting anxious and you didn't want to make him too nervous. "Yes, I mean we lived across the street from each other and how could I have not seen you?" He looks up at you curiously as you continued to ramble looking down at the concrete "I mean... Just look at you... You're like perfect. I mean yeah you're famil.." You cut yourself off noticing that you said too much.  You look over to see Todoroki with wide eyes staring at you. By this time he stopped walking and so have you. "I'M SORRY" You yell as you start to make a break down the path to your house. 

You slammed the door right behind you hurrying to gather your thoughts and eventually gathering yourself to realise all that you said. You felt like an idiot basically fully confessing to a boy that you barely even talked to. You were so happy that your parents were on a trip because if your mother saw you like this she'd whip out a whole lecture about how you shouldn't be scared or worry about you feelings and how your body was changing because you were getting older. You moved to your room and just laid on your bed reliving what you had said. You ended up sulking and hiding under the covers with your laptop and teddy bear. You even ordered a pizza to ensure that you didn't starve to death. You heard the doorbell anxiously waiting for that cheesy goodness that you ordered. You stepped out of your nest and rushed downstairs, money in hand prepared to open the door. You reached for the handle hoping to see the old woman that always brought your pizza only to see Shouto standing there holding your pizza and a single red rose. "Hi there.." The boy awkwardly says as you stand there in awe. You grab the pizza from him and set it on the table saying nothing. "(F/N) Please say something.." You said nothing just staring at him. You were about to say something when he leans in and kisses you catching you off guard. The two of you and you look at Todoroki surprised. "Um.." He starts "I just had to. I mean this may be a surprise but I've liked you since you moved in. I've just been too shy to say hello.." He nervously chuckles handing you the rose. "I hope you don't think.."  You cut the boy off with a kiss.

"I've loved you since the first time I saw you." 


Pretty alright for my first "official one shot" 

Hope you enjoyed! ^=^


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