Baby Quirks: Harem

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It's still a one-shot, just a little different than usual because I've been asked to change it up a bit also, it's not a pure harem but I tried -u-'

It seemed to be a normal morning until crying woke you, it was almost like your maternal instincts kicked in when you went to search for the cause. You started by going door to door noticing that the ruckus came from the boy's hall, listening carefully seemed pointless as each door was dressed with the sounds of babies crying. Panicked you busted into Bakugou's room to see if there just happened to be a baby there but to your surprise, Bakugou was the baby. Your eyes widened at the small infant who just mumbled and cried. "Is everything all right?" A drowsy voice came from behind, it was Momo who had also woken up because of the noise not noticing the baby. "Momo..." You mumbled still in disbelief as you went to pick up the baby instinctively. As soon as you scooped the baby up, he cooed happily allowing you to face the black haired girl who's expression was the same as yours. "Go to each room and check if it's all the same. I'll take baby Bakugou and wake up the other girls and we'll see what we can do from there." You instructed, snapping Momo out of her shock letting herself follow your directions. You watched her disappear as you held baby Bakugou tightly as he just babbled happily with his big red eyes. You smiled for a second looking down at him as you went towards the elevator separating the two floors.

As the two metal doors closed you saw Momo panicked, trying to carry each baby to the middle of one room. Bakugou seemed calm when he rode in your arms, he played with your hair and laugh happily each time you looked at him. After a few minutes, the metal doors opened again showing the girl's hall, which had Ochako and Tsu stumbling around curiously. "So.." You started drawing the girls' attention. "There's an issue and we need all the girls. I'll explain later." They both looked at you in understandable confusion as you shooed them off, Ochako trying to at least get a word or two in but you not letting her. You hurried to Jiro's room, first knocking on the door with one hand trying to support Bakugou and waiting but not getting a response. "I'm coming in, it's an emergency," You said as you let yourself in, showing Jiro asleep with a pair of headphones on. You took a deep breath and sat Bakugou down on the floor but as soon as you did, he started sniffling like he was going to cry forcing you to pick him back up. With one hand you slid the headphones off of Jiro and tried to wake her up, with no avail until an idea popped into your head. You sat Bakugou down and started to walk away, letting him let out his loudest wail instantly waking Jiro up. You picked Bakugou up again, he stuffed his face into your shirt as you explained the situation to Jiro.

"Well... That's kinda sick." Jiro awed as she examined baby Bakugou who kept hidden in your chest. "Can you just go get Tsu, Toru, and Mina, please... I just need to get everything under control. The other two are stuck down in the boy's hall with twelve other babies. I just needed to get the other girls and now I have to go get Sensei Aizawa or All Might or someone..." You droned on not noticing Jiro already gone. You took a deep breath and looked down at the small blonde who was holding onto your shirt tightly, asleep and drooling. You couldn't help but smile at Bakugou as you made your way to the teacher building, knocking on Aizawa's door but have Sensei Mic answer. You quietly laughed ensuring not to wake the sleeping Bakugou but Sensei Mic just starred at you confused looking down at the baby and back at you, you explained quickly with the same expression that everyone else had. Sensei Mic rushed inside to drag Sensei Aizawa to the door by his yellow beanbag trying to quietly explain but ended up waking Bakugou. The baby's eyes widened as he looked at Sensei Aizawa who smiled making Bakugou cry, you hugged the boy closely and rocked him gently while shushing him carefully.

The two sensei's followed you to the hall where the six girls sat in a circle around twelve baby boys who were babbling and playing with each other. The six girls looked exhausted and over everything as they looked up at you as you smiled sympathetically. "Alright girls... There's 13 boys in total and 7 girls so, while Sensei Aizawa and I will go get Recovery Girl and anyone else who can help switch back these boys." Sensei Mic said quickly, pushing Aizawa out of the dorms obviously trying not to show his worry but failing miserably. You looked at the exhausted girls then back at the bouncing baby boys. "So, Everyone is going to at least have one baby and we'll have to take care of them all day or as long as we have to wait," Momo said holding a pen and paper to make a list.

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